Chapter 3, Its Prom

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It is the very first day of my life when I woke without an alarm, exactly on time.

I eye the clock as it reads 8:30 in the morning.
After stretching a bit and getting ready; I rush down to the kitchen, where the heavenly smell of waffles welcomes me.

Dad smiles at me while sipping his disgusting black coffee.
Note the word, disgusting.

Mom looks up while pouring herself a glass of juice and points to the counter, "I have laid out your waffles honey, you can grab the Nutella from the fridge and dig in."

I thank her, and within a minute finish almost halfway through my breakfast.
I dip my finger into the Nutella jar and savour it's taste with my eyes closed.

Dad eyes me and says with am amused expression, "No wonder I don't get any Nutella,"

I chuckle and reply, "I promise to give you a bite when you buy me fifteen more packets dad,"

Dad chuckled along me.

After breakfast my phone rang and the caller ID displayed 'Noah' with a ghost emoji.

"Hey. Good morning!" He greeted on the other end.

"Morning." I reply back.

"You forgot didn't you," he asked in an amused tone.

"About what?"

"Our biology project Shailene?"

That's when I face palmed myself. Of course I forgot that we had to meet at Noah's to get the earthworm project done.

"I'm coming." I quickly mutter and grab the car keys from the key holder.

And before I knew it, I stood in front of the large house.

I park my car just next to his, which is a red rover. I ring the doorbell and am greeted by Noah's mom. Noah resembles a lot to his mother.

"Hi Mrs Johnson," I greeted. 

"Hi dear, Noah is in the living room, you can go join him. And if you need something, do call me," she replied with a kind smile.

I get in, and admire the beauty of Noah's house for the millionth time. His house was super modern with all the newest gadgets.

"Hey guys!" I chirped as I entered the room and looked around to find Mason and Jade.

"Where's Mia?" I asked, noticing the absence of the best performer in biology.

Have I ever mentioned that I hate biology?

"Oh, she had some kind of family breakfast going on, she'll be here in 5 minutes." I hear Jade.

We take out our scrap books, paints, laptop and coloured paper. As soon as I finish writing the topic in the folder made by Jade, Mia enters into the room with a big grin.

I am a bit worried if her mouth starts aching.

"You guys won't believe what I just found out!" She exclaims.

"Well, if I'm not wrong, you are going to take us to Disney land?! " Noah aks with hopeful eyes.

I start laughing with Mia, but looking at the serious look on Noah's face, I don't think he was joking.

"No dear wonder land express. I just found that the school is hosting prom!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed...And screamed as in, literally screamed.

For a second I thought I thought something had bit her, but soon discovered that she was just excited. Typical Mia.

Well can't deny, even I screamed like a lunatic. And received the same kind of reaction from others.

"You two sure make amazing baby's," said Jade. Which received a laugh from Noah, who I'm sure had thought a double meaning.

I smile at my friends. They are amazing..

Thinking of friends, I have to tell Julian! His hand on my waist, mine in his shoulder..dancing into the soft song...we both will look so amazing in prom dresses..we'll nail it..and in the end, he would kiss me...

"Stop drooling!" I hear. Looking up, saw Noah, smirking. 

"Shut up." I snap.

" and tomato have a tough competition of who is redder! " he jokes.

"Lets get to work guys." I hear Jade. Phew...the best.

We start again. And continued working for an hour or so without any disturbance. Unless you call Noah's stupid questions like -

"Oh my god. A centipede has 200 legs? It must travel marathons then!"

"you know Mia, in looking on this picture of an earthworm..She looks like you, you know?"

"Yeww. An earthworm eats mud?! I hate mud!! I only like  chocolate mudcake!"

After some hard work which took 2 hours, we were done. And I'm proud to say, that I'm proud of the proud thing I have made, wait..what!??

I get into my car. While opening the gate, I feel a hand at my shoulder.

"Hey.. You are going to prom with Julian no? Well even I'm going with someone you know.." She blushes.

I decide not to talk about her blush, it is really frustrating.
Instead I turn up jumping. And she smiles like I'm a dancing lion.

"Who is it????????!!!!!!" I ask excited.

"Umm, please don't tell anyone, I've just told you now, it's Theo."

I can't help but get happy for my friend. They both are made for each other, jade is kind, supportive and cool, whereas Theo is smart, kind hearted and pure. And by the look she gave me right now, I think I blurted out whatever was on my mind.

I hug her and wish her luck. I'm sure they'll make it far. None of them are playgirls or boys, which makes their relationship even more special.

She again reminds me not to tell anyone as she has confided in me as I'm the most trusting. I give my word, as did in my car and wave.

As the car starts, I think about me and Julian. It's gonna be amazing; just thinking so I call him and hear something not much expected...

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