Chapter 9, I Don't Know

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Tick tock.
Tick tock.
Tick tock.

It's 4 am and I haven't been able to close my eyes after what happened today.

Jessy fell in love with Blake unknown to the fact that he is a gang member, one of the major ones around here. He is the one Shailene wanted to sign a deal with. Amazing. Bless me!

She also saw her, leaving me dragged into this confusion ONCE again. I also have to meet up with Shailene Collins for constant updates, which would be considered a major success if I managed to return back alive. 

What if Jessy had misunderstood something? There is a lot anyone can think when they don't know the whole story. But thanks to Julian and Mia, all is settled. But what if it isn't?
Uh...screw my life. It sucks.

Just as I closed my eyes, I hear the worst sound in the whole wide world.

I get up groaning, "Shut up alarm." 
Quickly shutting it off, I get up from my bed.

Morning already. And I wasn't even able to close my poor eyes, what a fresh day today! AWESOME.

Dragging my feet to the bathroom, I take a quick shower and get dressed into a mustard blouse paired with black tights. 

After wearing my sneakers; I grab the backpack and after quickly shoving my phone and a biology textbook into it, I move towards the kitchen to quickly grab something before I set off for school.

In the mirror of the hallway, I see myself. Even a ghost looks better than this. Dark bags under the eyes, matted hair and pale skin. 
People are gonna get my nightmares today. Annabelle coming. 

After greeting mom and dad I grab the box of cereal, absent-mindedly pour it into my bowl of milk and mentally facepalm myself after when a few crumbs fall on the table.

"What's wrong Shailene? You haven't had a proper sleep?" Asks dad, who is currently reading the newspaper while sipping his tea. 

"Yeah, I was up for sometime - studying" I lie, to which he nods; obviously believing it.

I finish my breakfast, grab the car keys to set off for school, just as a thought passes my superb brain - There's a test today.

And I didn't revise. Could this day get ANY worse?

After parking my car in front of the familiar brick building, I grab my backpack while my feet lead me to the front gate filled with crazy teenagers.

Squirming my way through them I reach my locker and after dialing the code 4563, take out my history textbook. 
I can't study World War 2 once I again I swear...

Just as I turn around, I find Jeremy; a player on the soccer team, standing right in front of me. "Sup babe! Wanna go out for a date with me? You look hot today!"

That's it. Enough is enough. Colorful words escape my mouth and before I could register what I was saying, I had already said it, "Oh right. You think I am so very damn lucky to have you asking me for a date? I already have a boyfriend...And for fuck sake, leave me alone you bastard!" I snap.

"It was just a dare okay?! Get a sense of humor! And I obviously wouldn't want to date an angry, moody teenager like you." He says.

I test him with my eyes, "There exists a HUGE difference between humor and sense, and since you say you have imaginary humor; I presume that the sense is missing." 

Without waiting for a reply, I set off; ignoring the whispering people around me.  

I hate her, the one who forced me into this. I hate Shailene. 
She is the one responsible for changing me from a clumsy cute girl with high hopes from life to this; an angry, moody teenager. 
It was at the party. The worst party I have attended in my whole life. 

"What's wrong Shailene?"
I turn my head and see Jade, her face etched with a worried expression. 

"Um...nothing?" I squeak.
Screw me.

"It's fine you know. Absolutely. You can tell me anything." she whispers, wiping a tear off my cheek with her handkerchief.

"I didn't get enough sleep." I mumble, while she hugs me tightly. 

"It's ok if you don't want to share, but do remember, we're here for you." She smiles at me.

I love her. That's why I love my friends. They not only entertain me, they also stand for me and provide the comfort required. They are the family I have chosen for myself. 

"Morning class." is a voice I suddenly hear, and looking up, I see Mr. Jeff. The new and exceptionally boring history teacher, he has graduated in irritating anyone to their full capacity. 

The day passes and I feel a bit better while highly appreciating my friends and their attempts to cheer me up, but I just can't. I don't know, I even have a strong feeling something is gonna be disastrous soon enough, but I don't know what.
Usually my gut feelings are always right; and I stand no where in life to ignore them now. 

I move towards my car to find Julian standing there. Oh no...this won't be good.

"Shai," he starts, "What the hell is wrong? You are hardly grumpy and in such a bad mood. You can tell me you know. I tell you everything!"

"No Julian, I can't" I say. "I'm sorry, but I don't need lectures right now."
And as open the door, Julian stops me.

"No, you have to talk to me." he says, his voice concerned; "It sucks to see you so pissed Orangutan."

Just then, his lips are on mine, kissing me slowly and gently, making a fire ignite within me. Instantly, I feel relieved, a huge load of tension and pain has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Come. I'll drive you." he encourages with a smile smile on his face.

And before I knew it, he turned the car keys.
Taking me somewhere I don't know, and I didn't care. As long as I'm with him, I'm good.

Why and how?
I don't know.

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