Chapter 21, Spilled

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I had finally found him...I missed him so damn much. More than could ever miss food.
Wait that's tough...

He turned, and I couldn't believe my eyes. He looked wasted.
He had dark bags under his eyes; and within a few days he had managed to lose weight. Not a bit, but like a LOT.
He was wearing a black shirt, underneath jeans. His hair was a mess.

I had never seen him like this.

I still remember the day I met him. It was at a be specific, Grease's party; the person who's party I'm in now.
And I desperately want to leave...

He wore the same outfit that he is wearing today, the shirt fitting him at all the right places, showing off his muscles and toned body. Right now is also kind of the same, but as I know Julian and see him everyday; he looks really wasted.

At first I always thought him to be a player, who always managed to get the attention of the girls so easily.
But later I came to know that it was just him; that attracted the others and me as well.

Even I was a person like that. A poor person who attracted anyone in their way. But now, after Julian; everything is normal.
We both are populars, know exactly what happens when we are one. As a result, we never got jealous with the people the other made contact with.
We accepted it.

At first Julian had thought that there was something between me and Noah, but after spending time with me and him; he got over it. We have been dating each other since 3 years; and these have been some of the best years of my life.

I still remember those days...

We both considered each other total jerks; like two asshole's who had crossed each other's way.
He was even once made my partner in basketball...and not even a minute passed when we didn't roast each other.
That was quite an entertaining afternoon.

Just like today, even in the past Julian wasn't cocky, I liked that about him. But I didn't know him well enough to see the golden heart he had been holding inside himself, which he only showed to his friends and close ones.

He always put others before himself, and the day actually melted my heart when he stood up for beating instead of Mason, who had hurt himself in some other thing.

Other instances also follow, like when he gave his ice cream to a little boy whose ice cream had slipped and couldn't buy another one cause he didn't have the money.

There was also a day when Kyra, his little toddler sister fell down the stairs. Her little best friend had pushed her, by accident of course; he stood up and said that he was the one who did order to save the little girl who was in tears. Many more things like such happened.

He never regretted anything of that sort; although he is smart to never stand up for things where he found that the person had to be punished; like the several times when Jake is scolded for placing gum on teachers seats and blames fate for all this.
Or when Noah comes late to practise because his grandmother had died; I seriously have no clue about the number of times his grandmother died, cause whenever I see her; she's just absolutely fit and fine.

We both had made names for each other.
I had named him asshole; and he came up with something much more creative and insulting - orangutan.

I mean, I was shocked to hear that; never had I ever been said something like that before; I had several times heard - 'bitch', 'motherf*ck*er', 'arsehole'; but NEVER orangutan.
That guy.

Another meeting was at the park Julian took me for a walk.
We both were hiking; and as the amazing person I am, slipped. He didn't let me fall; caught me just in time as I was about to get lost in hell. Or heaven. But I'm sure I would have gone to hell.

Doesn't matter.

That was the day we accepted each other as friends; and I had thanked him for saving me.

We both grew really close, we went to parties with each other and we began inviting each other to our houses.
My mother even made a stupid ship for us; I hadn't realised my feelings back then...and simply laughed.
To which dad always said "wait and watch". And I, of course rolled my eyes.

We both were good at studies, we even became partners at the mechanical club I had joined at school, we were the toppers at the club.

He invited me to his practise sessions for football and even to the matches.
I did the same for tennis ones.

One fine day, as they like to call it; after Julian left my house, towards his to pack for a trip to Miami, I felt bad. Really bad that he had gone for a week.
I missed him damn much.
Jade and Thea helped me realise my feelings for him. Which I was really hesitant to accept.

When he finally came, he looked so happy and contended. I didn't want to ruin that for him, by saying that "Oh my god! I like you! I just wanna stay with you forever and ever and wanna have babies with you!"

A few months passed and the day came when I went again to that park...and guess what. I again slipped.

What the hell am I gonna do...

And just as I was about to make my way I to heaven; or hell, whatever... was saved again by him. Just as I was about to say thank you, he blurted out.

"I like you. Loads."
I couldn't control my excitement as he said it.
"Look if you don't agree then I'm gonna leave your hand...and there you go entering hell." He joked.

He helped me up and I was facing him, the gorgeous face I had come to like by. I kissed him, not harsh...but sweetly. He kissed back. Those were one of the finest moments I had ever experienced.
The moment I realised that even I could laugh.
He laughed and I laughed with him.

I can't ever forget that happiness I felt. My body breathed after a long time. And since then, I have been happy...before I was just... don't get into it.

And now he replies "Hi there Linda Lovette Parker."

Blades have crashed inside me.
What the fucking shit.

"Sorry?" I chocked, I have completely no words to say.

"Exactly" he says; his voice not angry...but full of hurt and disappointment.

Its Spilled.

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