Chapter 8, A Visit

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"Hey!! So it's finalised. At Jake's. Sharp at 5!"
Is the last sentence I hear from Mason, as he hangs up.

A little get together with Jessy, after her trip from Hawaii. I still remember her saying "Gotta tell something important". Well, maybe she has found herself a guy! Finally! I feel excited, thinking that I'll be there with all my friends, which Sounds cool.

It's the weekend! Finally!! But a test is also coming up... I say, no, think, looking at my schedule. And realize it's Maths. It's interesting and one of my favorite subjects, as I wanna get into Princeton. One of the best college for Engineering. I quickly take out my books and start studying.

After studying for about three hours, I get up and get myself a dark chocolate, My favorite! I had just eaten the first bite as I hear My phone. Picking it up, I hear Shailene.

"Hey... So after about six months, I am coming back. I was in Hawaii for the time you know, had an urgent... Anyways, why am I telling you this. The point is, I am coming to see you, how you are doing. After that party... (She again stopped herself. And I have no interest in reliving that again) Now, now. So as I was saying, I'll be staying at a hotel and you have to come and meet me. I'll be here only for four hours you know, DON'T be LATE as always." She finishes.

"Fine. See you. But when are you coming?" I ask.

"Oh...on 30th. You have to meet me at 8, sharp at the hotel address I'll text you. At night of course. No chances. Otherwise I'll arrive at 5" is what I hear.

"But what Will you do arriving this early?" Slips out of my mouth.

I regret is as soon as I say it. But unlike texts, this message, which escapes through our mouth, CAN'T be deleted. Sad.

"That's none of your business" she snaps as the phone call is disconnected.

I sigh. I have to meet her. The next weekend. She can also kill me. But if she does, she will have to pay the price. And as smart as she is, she definitely WON'T let that happen. I hear a notification, as I see the message by Jade.
Don't be late Shailene. Meet at Jake's, sharp at 4...or else all the pizza will be finished!

I smile as I go up to my room, to change into something sweet but comfy. After finally deciding what I am wearing, which is a denim skirt with a white top, I tie my hair into a braid and set off, with comfy sneakers.

I drive for about ten minutes, or maybe more. Time just flies! As I reach Jake's house. The walls are painted in different shades of brown, which happens to be his favourite colour. I ring the bell and it opens, with Mia.
"Finally!" she says, dragging me with her, towards Jake's room. "Am I late?" I ask. Cause I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW. "It's 5:30!" She exclaims. "Oh" is all I manage to say.

We climb the stairs and I find myself in Jake's room. He has a bunk bed, with Thea, Jessy and Theo sitting on it. Noah and Mia being the super energetic ones, sit up on the top bunk. Jake, Jade and Julian are sitting on the bean bags, and the rocking chair is occupied by Cal, who looks shady. Leaving me to sit on the wooden chair.

I grab it and sit. As soon as I do, I find Cal's dark eyes staring at me and I gulp.

"How was the trip Jessy?" Asks Jake, who is munching on some wafers.

"Oh I enjoyed loads! It was super fun!!" Jessy exclaims with joy.

"Well what did you do? Found any cute guys?" Asked Mia...always loved fun.

"Well..." Said Jessy

"Oh my god you are blushing!! Whom did you meet?!!" Asks a super excited Thea.

"Uhm, yeah I did find someone..." She replies, blushing even more.

Do I look the same when I am blushing!? She is as red as a tomato!

"I am pretty excited to hear it!!" I exclaim. If course I am, finally Jessy has found someone for herself!

"His name is Blake." She starts. "Blake and I met on the beach...him wearing an unbuttoned shirt, and with those six - pack muscles, he looked so dashing... Then I met him again in a restaurant, we dined together. He was an ice cream loving person, just like I am and we munched on some butterscotch ice cream together. He is amazing, a year older than me, but that's fine." She finishes.

"Bravo! I'm so happy for you Jessy!" Jade says. And I nod my head in encouragement.

"Thanks guys. And the interesting news is - he going to college this year, and will come to Yuels! Only a few minutes away from here!" She exclaims with joy.

I smile "Lucky you!" And she grins.

"By the way, I don't see Jordan?" Asks Noah.

"Oh he has gone for his job at Starbucks." I had completely forgot that Jordan works part time at Starbucks. He must have been getting a good pay!

"One more thing guys" says Jessy.

"Yeah? You found out that Blake is married?" I joke.

"No" she says slowly. "It's about you". I gulp.

Has she found out that I am not Shailene? I am Linda? That I have been betraying everyone? That..

"When I was in Hawaii, you know, when I entered the restaurant, I saw Blake sitting with you." She says.

I let my jaw open, this is impossible. Shailene TOLD me she was in Hawaii...why didn't it click me before!?

"Jessy are you sure it was shai, cause she was here, she didn't go to Hawaii" Julian reasons.

"I'm one hundred percent sure. She had the same light brown straight hair, dark brown eyes, perfectly set teeth, perfect eyebrows AND a symmetrical face!! " she exclaims.

"But Jessy, Shailene was WITH us throughout! She didn't even GO to Hawaii!" Mia moos. "You must be dreaming"

"Yeah, maybe. But this is what I saw... Or it was just an imagination." Jessy sighs. "Yeah" I stutter. And I find Cal staring at me with his eyes. Scanning through every part of me. I gulp. Yikes.

So, yeah. I got it. Jessy wasn't dreaming. She actually saw what she is saying. Blake is a part of her, he is a part of the gangs with Shailene. The ORIGINAL Shailene...

Hey guys!! Hope you like the plot twist. Blake is a gang member and has shaken hands with the original Shailene Collins.
Amazing no? That's amazing..
Thanks for reading!
Xoxo 💕

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