Chapter 11, Prom Shopping

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"Aren't you ready yet Shailene?!" Is the first voice I hear, as I rub my eyes and check my phone, to see the time. Just to confirm some POSITIVE part of me that I'm late again.

But surprisingly, I'm not late and it's only 9 in the morning. And I'm just so mad at Jessy to wake me up from my sleeping beauty sleep.

"It's just 9!!" I shout over the phone. Really man, who gets up this early! And that too for shopping?! I absolutely HATE shopping. It is super annoying. Buying clothes, and just to buy ONE decent dress, you like LITERALLY spend two or more hours trying about a million of them.

"Oh come on. I know you hate shopping, but all of us love it! Get ready in a jiffy, we are coming to pick you up. And bare warning, it will take all day. It's prom!" She says, and as I am about to refuse, she cuts the call. Smart.

I change into black bottoms and a grey Mickey mouse T shirt, and quickly straighten my hair. Although its ALREADY straight, this makes it look gorgeous, and shiny.

I hurry towards the door and slip on my comfy sneakers. I grab some cereal, thinking, "this clearly is the best breakfast. It doesn't take much effort to make, is tasty, and looks good (Hey come on, I haven't got a crush on it!) And as soon as I have finished, I hear a car horn.

I smile and set off towards Mia's black Mercedes.

"Woo hoo!! Shailene isn't late today!" She exclaims. Her blonde hair is looking gorgeous with the bouncy curls today.

"Yeah right. Come on in Shailene." Jade moos. As I sit in on the back seat with Jade and Jessy.

"Ok let's set off!" Thea exclaims, as the car roars and we set off. Not even for a minute the car was silent. Mia's constant jabbering, Thea's excited Shrieks and Jessy's giggle.

We reach the nearest dress shop, and trust me, Its really fancy. Me, at first very excited, to shop on some beautiful clothes for prom, am not at all excited now.

Mia is in love with every dress she sees, and insists on buying it, no matter what the cost is, the size is.

Jade, who is always the sensible one, tries to put in some brain in her. But as expected, fails.

Jessy and Thea are trying their best to make each other look really gorgeous, and I smile at their efforts.

Jessy trying her best to make Thea wear a black dress, as she kills it then.

Thea is going to the prom, and many have asked her out, cause of her pretty looks and cool personality, but she rejects them all. Don't know what she is waiting for.

Jessy is going with Blake, and I'm really nervous about it. I don't know what Will happen on 31st January, the night of prom, only one and a half months away when we all will be departing away to different colleges. So anyway, Blake might misunderstand me. Goddamn. Help me.

And suddenly, I hear my phone and grin when I find out that it is Julian.

"Hey love. So, I know you are at prom shopping, and even I am out with Jake, Jordan, Cal, Noah and Mason. So, was just asking, which coloured dress are you getting in? We need to match."

"Right. Um, I haven't thought yet. Am just sitting here while the others shop. I didn't find anything good enough.
Well for the colour, I don't think I need to tell you. Aha! I won't tell you, let's see if you get it right."

"Ok babe, the game's on" he cheers, hanging up.

And I get up, to at least SEE a dress. I absolutely hate shopping. And makeup, and painting my nails, or even worse, dying my hair. I am quite unlike most girls. And roam about the store.

There are many different types of dresses. Different colours, but nothing catches my eyes.

After spending two hours at the store, Mia has finally found herself something. It's black in colour, and goes down to her knees, like a fishtail, is short at the front, and long at the back.

"You rock girl. It suits you perfectly." I say " but whom are you going with? "

"It's a surprise for all of you. And the one I am going with, is super awesome. I really like him. See it at the day. I'm sure you will support my choice" Mia says.

"Ok. Great. And guys, um, I need to tell you something, I am going with Theo, we have been dating since about two months. Shailene knew, that's it." Says Jade. And as soon as the words escape her mouth, I can see mouths hanging all around me, and I laugh my heart out. Lovely people.

"Thats why Theo always protected you! And stayed by your side" exclaimed Thea.
"And he never dated other girls!!!" Comes in Jessy
"And he always talked to you so affectionately, cared for you and have you his cute smiles" says Mia.

And all congratulate her, and so do I.

"Ok now. I, Jessy, Jade AND Shailene haven't found themselves a dress yet. Only you Mia. And we aren't liking ANYTHING here. But Mia your dress totally rocks. Off to the next store!" Screams in Thea.

"Ok sure. Lets grab something amazing for my besties." Agrees Mia, as we sit in her car and set Off towards the next store.

I never knew we would be like going to 23 stores, and soon, not soon actually, after about a million zillion years, we enter the 24th one.

Both Jade and Thea have found themselves dresses, and I can't dent I like them. But just not for me. I don't know what I'm looking for. But it should be great. I know this.

Thea has got a red dress, which is strapless, and really highlights her super hot body.
Jade is going for a blue dress, which goes down to her knees. It really suits her, as her eyes, which I absolutely ADORE, are also the same shade.

Now it's only Jessy and me who have to find a dress. Trust me, we started at 9 in the morning, and it's 3 now. I didn't have my breakfast OR lunch, and I'm starving like crazy. Well not crazy, like an ACTUAL human.
If it was my choice, I'd go for shopping for FOOD. Now that's something to look forward to no?

So back now, Thea and Jade are roaming along with me, while Mia is with Jessy, searching for PERFECT dresses. And seeing their enthusiasm, it feels like they are picking up dresses for themselves only, and I smile at them. What wonderful friends.

Just as I am about to sit down, tired from roaming the store for half an hour, Thea shrieks. Has Shailene done something? Did they attack her? Oh my god. Feeling worried, I go to her, and ask "What's wrong? Did you see a monster?!" cause clearly, she had screamed that loud.

"No you dumbhead. I found the perfect dress for you!!!!" she shouted again.

"You know I was just so very worried! I - " and I am cut off by my vision.
Clearly, this is the best dress I have ever seen...

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