Chapter 27, Diary

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"So, you've kept it all to yourself?" Julian asks.

I have told him everything. Every word to everything I know. He hasn't shut me out or left me or broke up with me...instead he has been really supportive. Its really cute when he wants to ask me question and begins with
'please don't mind but can I say something?'
After which I smile and nod; he asks and then I reply and he ends with 'I'm here, you didn't feel bad did you?'

Thinking how I remembered every word? Well, this conversation had occurred about 5 times in the last ten minutes.
Interesting yes that is...

"Well, I told Via...that's all. And I don't think that matters that much. Chip knows too, but does that even count?" I shrug.

"Didn't you feel that this was too much to contain? I mean, no one was there for you. There wasn't anyone whom who could let out troubles to. That was real brave Linda."

"Two things. First, please Julian don't call me Linda whenever we are near people we know. Or any Nick names for it."

"Of course. Do you think you need to tell me that?"

Smiling, I say "second. I have kept a diary. I call it 'all in yellow'."

"Of course. Your love of yellow." He chuckles.

I lead him up to my room, him being familiar with the mess I make. I'm literally one of those people who keep all the junk at their beds, and when it's time to sleep...shift it over to the chair.
I'm not very dirty who has a month old pizza boxes on their beds, just for the sake of smelling it; instead..the ones on my bed are only 1 week old!
That smells better than perfume, trust me.

"God girl! Clean up your room! Just look at this mess!" Julian exclaims, clearly known to my habits.

"What mess?"

My room can be dirtier,'s very clean right now. There are pizza boxes, a bottle of coke, some dirty clothes, books all around, my phone and iPod lying around with headphones and a charger.
It's not that bad.

"This mess right here!" He says unbelievingly. "Clean it up." Is added.

"Yes father." I sigh, and move the junk to one side of the bed. Phew that was hard work!

"You're unbelievable." He states. His expression full of wonder.
Sighing, he does what he always does.

Picks up the boxes and bottles, throws them into the bin.
I giggle.
This is his daily chore.
Julian is one of the people who can't stand dirty places. Dirty is a far word, he can't even face an old pizza box. Every thing should be in its proper place EVERY SINGLE TIME.

such people are really unique; difficult to find across the globe.

And within an eye blink, the room is cleaned.
All the stuff in its proper place and just in order.

Take my advice, whenever your mom orders you to clean your room, get in some one like Julian.
He's as fast as a lightening bolt, and super great at his job.
Most importantly, he does this for free.

That's an offer not worth a miss.

"That's what we call a clean room." He sighs, sitting on the freshly made bed.

I grin.

"Now what were you saying?" He asks.
"I'll tell you later. By the time, I picked some movies for us to watch."

"Ooh!!! This time, I'll take yours. Conjuring. But just this once!" He cries, excited.

"Just don't pee in your pants." I tease him.

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