Chapter 15, Meeting the Gang

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There she is. Shailene Mande Collins, the person who is responsible for my freaking life, but I still love her. And why wouldn't I? She is my sister and WAS my bestie.

A copy of me...well, the other way round, me a copy of HER. The orphanage woman said she was born 3 minutes BEFORE me.
The same light brown straight hair, brown eyes, perfect teeth and all that blah blah.

"Look who's here, Linda Lovette Parker. Pleased to meet you." And I am woken from my thoughts as Shailene stretches her hand in front of me.

And once someone offers you their hand to shake, you have to. Where did I learn this? Well Mr Parker, my dad...sent me to learn manners.

Not that I wasn't disciplined, he wanted his girl to learn lovely manners...But failed in the process as I would consider myself an untrained Chimpanzee.

"Hey." I say, shaking Shailene's hand and grabbing a chair to sit.

I don't recognize many people here, hey...I have seen them only once before!

There is David, the person who calls me every month, to check on me...well usually every month. He forgot to do so this time, at least I hoped so.
He has blonde hair, which is turning platinum blonde now due to his age. What a way to describe old people's grey hair...way to go Linda!

Then there is the readhead. Probably Myliasoplk...something, who swears a lot. I mean if she is speaking ONE sentence, with about 6-7 words, 4-5 are destined to be swears. I have no clue where she gets that vocabulary from...

And about 4 or 5 others, and a guy whom I don't recognise...But he sure is handsome.

What the heck?

"Before you ask, I'll do the necessary. I know how curious you are" Shailene starts, and I cut sharp from my overactive imagination.

"This is David, the one with blonde hair, some of it is platinum (now that's what we call twins eh?) The redhead is Myralimba...But call her Myra (well at least I was close)

"The one with chocolate brown hair (the one I mentioned handsome) is Charles.

"The Buffy one is Drake" to which I hear "Hey it's muscles!" And I giggle.

"The Strawberry blonde is Lisa (And she smiles at me, oh I like this girl)

"And last but not the least, meet the twins. Who are nothing alike, but everything alike" Shailene finishes.

Amazing gang. Totally scary, as I see them grinning. No matter what, I am happy to see Shailene smiling.

"There are about 70-80 people more, but it's fine, these are the ones that you have to meet. And oh yeah, Kim would be arriving soon" Shailene nods.

Just so, a waiter arrived to take out orders, and as I was about to say 'nothing for ma'am Shailene shows her gun out and points it to me.

That's it. I'm dead. No literally dead.

But then I notice that she is just showing it to me, and only me so the others can't notice from under the table. I gulp and order myself a cup of coffee. Better to be safe.

The waiter takes down our orders; glasses of smoothie for the twins, a black tea without sugar for Shailene, A glass of Apple juice for Lisa, Charles and Drake order glasses of beer and David with an iced tea.

Now, yeah, why do I remember what each of them ordered? cause I'm a foodie myself.

The waiter leaves nodding, totally unknown to the fact that he is serving drinks to gangs. And even I wouldn't recognise them, very well camouflaged.

Each of us have taken up different tables, me and Shailene on one, The twins and Lisa on another, Drake and Charles on another. David sits alone, but I think will be joined by that Kim guy whoever Shailene was mentioning.

I notice weapons, each of them has one, different types of guns...the most violent being Shailene's; as I gulp. I don't wanna die today! Am not even married!

As soon as the waiter arrives with the drinks, I see someone familiar walk up on the door. He moved towards us, gave a slight nod to Shailene and sat down next to David.

Ha! So I was right about this one! He DID sit next to David!
Way to go Linda! Excellent.

"This is Kim Bren" Shailene says, sipping her black tea without sugar...Who drinks that stuff?

Just as realisation hits me...Kim Bren. Cal Bren. This is Cal's father.

I'd like to thank LuaBodelon1 for adding this story to their reading list! Thank you so much!

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