Chapter 29, Camp

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"How long more?" Asks a super irritated voice.
Who else than Mia?

"Will you shut up!" Screams none other than our lovely Noah.

"Why are you being rude?!" Says Mia again.

"That's how you will expect an answer for a question that has been asked about 1 million times by the same person per minute!"

"Well I can't help it! You can't kill the curiosity of a child! It's natural to come, and infact killing it destroys the scope for future discoveries and inventions!"

"Well, dear curious child; can't you see and apply some of your mind to see that we are stuck in a traffic with about the zillion more cars BEHIND AND IN FRONT of us?"

That's when I step in, "Guys shut up! Dearest Mia, there's a gps right in front of you...feel free to check the time of arrival. And Noah, stop shouting!"

I don't they since how long they've become obedient, cause they shut up.

"You guys are like an old married couple" jokes Thea; making both of them blush.
Ooh...something is up!!

"If you guys don't know, I'm driving...which requires PEACE and calm and QUIET." Theo complains.

"Thanks for sharing that!!" Jessy comes in.

And that's the power of friendship, all of us roll our eyes.
Aren't we close...

After a few minutes of silence, it was long enough for us...Mia asks again "Are we there?"

That's when I hit her hard on her head. She's crazy.
"Here have some chips... that's apparently one of the only things Jake and Thea brought to eat. That'll help you pass the time." As Jade gives Mia some crisps to munch on.

As if you don't know, I grab some too. Food! Who skips that?

As if that wouldn't come, Thea; whose ego is apparently hurt says "We have also got gum, MINT flavoured; almond milk for all of us AND wafers!"

That's when Jordan comments "by the way Jake, I was there at your house when your dad gave you the money to buy food and it was MORE than enough to buy us food for about one week! Where DID you use the money?"

Jake quickly shuts Jordan's mouth up with his hand. Replying, "you know how expensive things have got these days...and the shopkeeper made a fool of us somehow...right Thea?"

"Yea- Yeah! You're right. That asshole!"

Well, Lemme share an experience with you.
Once I went to the store with Thea to buy chocolate croissants for some purpose; and our talented Thea managed to flirt with the shopkeeper into keeping a strawberry gum for free.
I can never do that.

I've tried that, and trust me the shopkeeper threw me out of the shop. Really.

Jake can also never be fooled. How the hell can a badboy be fooled around?
I just smile.
Thank god mystery sock is on.

By the way, I still have the same question on my mind... how did I get there?!



"For heaven's sake Mia, act like a human being.." sighs Theo.

"But haven't you realised that we have arrived and I set my feet in the green grass with butterflies around and the birds chirping - "

Smart Mason says "Darling, the grass has almost dried up, there are no butterflies here and I see crows..."

"Well, aren't crows birds?"

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