Chapter 32, Peeps in Shailene

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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm extremely sorry...Here's trying to make it up to you with Shailene's POV part2!
The content in here is pretty interesting so I'll stop talking, read on!

I flick through the pages of The Mortal Instruments, one of my favourites and recently completed series; not really focusing.

My mind wanders to a thought which often crosses my mind nowadays; quitting the gang business.
But of course, there are consequences which my mind can't ignore.

What about the high checks of money I get? What about the rest of my gang members; they're like family and I most certainly cant leave them...! What about the weapon selling and The Carts who are supposed to place a big order by the end of the month? What about my education? What job will I do since I'm not qualified? What will happen to my life?

It's not as if I haven't talked to anyone about this, I did talk to Blake.
After his meet with Jessy or whatever the name of her girlfriend was he hasn't been quite series about his business either. After my new thoughts, he keeps on reminding me every ten minutes to quit but it isn't that simple.
I can't.

Ughhh I don't know.

Slamming my book shut I get up to wash my face. I can't help but notice that I have put on some weight. Not that it's a bad thing, I was practically underweight.

My phone buzzes and I roll my eyes, eyeing the new ten minute reminder from Blake.

Come on!! That's a lovely thought you have in there. Live on, leave it all. I'll join you.
Decide what u want, cause that's what I'll do too; I dont have it in me to think so much as you about these matters.
But I can certainly suggest! Leave it!

He frankly writes the same message, just with the words in a different order.

I settle down back with my book, surely Jace, Simon and Clary can distract me when no one else can.
Of course I was wrong.

After some time, practically after 3-4 weeks my mind brings Linda into account.
My twin.

The heart goes heavy when I think about her, no one can ever be this mean to her twin; especially when she is this nice.

I'm sure she is holding up very well, I certainly hope so.
Things can be difficult when you're trying to impersonate someone to save their lives.

I can't think about this right now.

And just on time, my phone rings, with the name Lisa, as I have saved.

I like Lisa, very trusting and frankly my third in command. 2nd is Kim of course, I trust my life with him.
Lisa is very friendly and everyone's favourite. David fancies her. I actually thought there was something on between the two; until Linda roasted him so hard that he can't even bare to wink at her now.
Poor guy...

"Shailene, hey!" I hear her voice from my phone. "Just reporting, Tyler and his mates want the order to be doubled. They'd be willing to pay four times the amount."

Great. Just what I wanted, the order of the ak47 to be doubled when I was about to leave it. Awesome.

"No Lisa, you know how I want to leave all this. And even for the the high raise; I don't think it'll be wise. The number was already real high." I sigh into my phone.

Silence follows. Lasting thirty seconds, one minute.


"I'll try do to what I can." She snaps and hangs up.

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