Chapter 5, Cleaning

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"Wake up sleeping beauty!" I hear as I rub my eyes. It wasn't that late...It's only 11:30. Don't ask, I have a record of sleeping till 5 in the evening.

Half asleep; I get off my comfy bed, brush my teeth, take a quick shower and change into presentable clothes.

"Yes mom!" I shout moving down the stairs.

I find her at the door, surprisingly wearing her doctor's coat with arms crossed and her face etched with an expression that said, 'If you hadn't woke up right now, I'd pour icy cold water on your pretty face.'

"I know we had to clean up the store together today, but I have to urgently go to Chicago for a specialised surgery, and I'll be gone for about 2 days. Dad will come home early for these; don't worry. And yeah, you can call upon your friends if they wanna join you for cleaning...which I'm sure they won't. But the choice is yours." she says shrugging her shoulders, and giving me a hug.

"Of course mom. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say.

"Thanks darling."

I wave her a goodbye as she shuts the front door, and wince at her shouting, "No parties in this house while I'm gone!"

I giggle and lock the door.
Typical mom.

With a smug grin, I put on my headphones and listen to my 3 hour long playlist, which surprisingly holds nothing but Selena, Taylor and Beyonce.
And not to mention, dance like I'm a patient who has escaped from a mental hospital. Thank god I don't live an apartment, my neighbours might actually report me for jumping so much and making an amusing noise.

After dancing for about two hours or so, I look up the clock to see it read 2pm.
My stomach growls, demanding it's so called breakfast and lunch. 

Feeling too lazy to cook something, I just a grab my second last pack of Nutella. Can't go wrong with that, can you stomach lions?

I also grab an apple from the fruit basket.
It was begging me to eat him.

After my so called 'delicious meal', I ring up my friends. Mom allowed me, so I can call.

Now obviously I won't be mentioning the part on cleaning...

Firstly, duh, Noah! He is the funniest person alive! And not to mention the least punctual of us all. Exception is me.
After which I give a ring to Mia, who AGAIN has a family lunch!

Jade said that she'd be here and after, Mason. He's cool.

I then call Julian, Thea and Theo. As I do so, I smile for Jade. She's really lucky.
Not to mention Theo is too. 

Jordan is at his aunt's house, babysitting his cousin while Jake is just at a random chick's house.

It will be better not to mention what he was doing.

I sit on the couch with a book in hand, trying to get lost in the world of fantasy.
Just to add to my fantasy I hear the bell.

I open the door to find Mason, who is a bit taller than me, a solid 5'7, and welcome him with a hug and he hugs me back.

After some random chatting around, we are now here on my so called dance floor; acting like madmen, which includes shouting and shaking the floor. 

"I stay out too late, got nothin' in my brain!" I scream, shaking my head so vigourously that I part of me is scared that it may fall off. 

"That's what people say, mmm hmm, that's what people say, mmm hmm" Mason joins, a bit more civilised than me. 

"I go on too many dates, but I can't make 'em stay
At least that's what people say mmm mmm, that's what people say mmm mmm
" I roar back. 

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