Chapter 12, Call it a Night

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The car speeds, at the fastest speed it can ever go as I drive at a breathtaking speed I have never driven before.

I am late for dinner. Tonight was supposed to be a lovely candlelit dinner with mom and dad. And I am late. I was to reach home by sharp 7:30pm, but while shopping for prom dresses, the time flew.

But no doubts I absolutely LOVE my dress. Thea picked it up and it's amazing. It cost a bit more than my budget, but it is worth it.

We had quickly completed the accessory shopping, me buying only a cute purse, which is a mixture of silver and golden. It rocks. And some earrings. That's what I like - plain and beautiful.

So back again, I'm late again. Anything new?
But the thing is that today was special, and I hate to say it but I regret being late. Mom had been preparing all day for this, cause dad will be gone to Canada for business. We'll see him after a year now.

Uhh. I suck.

I quickly park my car, grab my bags and run, even faster than the speed of light. Ha. Sarcasm.

Opening the door, my face turns white, as I see my parents. Although THEY are worried, but I am loads more worried than them.

"Shailene, where have you been?!" Asks mom, whom I forgot to inform about that I won't be there, and will be shopping for the whole day, just to buy ONE dress.

"Um, I went shopping. With Thea, Jessica, Melisa and Jade. For prom, it's just a few weeks away. I am really sorry mum and dad. Really." I choke, cause I really feel bad. I love them, and it hurts me to see them this mad.

"It's fine dear. We waited just for 20 minutes." Comes in dad, trying to save me, as always.

"You need to get more responsible Shailene Mande Collins. You have to inform me before going out again for one WHOLE day. It's fine for now, but won't be tolerated again. Now come on, dinner is ready." She warned.

I sighed of relief and nodded my head in enthusiasm. Receiving a wink from dad. I grin and join them at the table to find it laid with delicacies, as I find my mouth watering. 24 hours running water.

I stuff myself up, spend some quality time with dad and wave him a goodnight, leading up to my room.

I change into my pajamas, and text Julian a good night. A daily night ritual.
I tuck myself in my warm, snug, cozy, comfortable...ahh! All the good adjectives are suitable for my dream bed, as I drift away in thoughts. Again a ritual.

A thought snaps me, as I check today's date. It's 29th. Tomorrow is the day I have to meet Shailene. And I had forgot about it. If I didn't reach on time, I would certainly be dead. David would define kill me. Thinking, he hasn't called me since a MONTH. That's great.

So, tomorrow, I have to meet her, I say to myself, tossing in my bed. Well she hasn't texted me the address yet, but she sure will. The punctual one she is.

Well it's really late, let's call it a night.

"Good night!" I say, again.

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