Chapter 35, The Plan

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"You sure?" Thea asks for the 73rd time.

"Yes I am." I repeat for the 73rd time.

"One hundred percent sure?" Thea asks again, and I'm thankfully saved from answering once again by Jessy slapping her shoulder.

"Stop torturing her." She commands and continues, "We'll be waiting in the hall with some lunch."

Mia pats my shoulder and gives me a smile, "I understand girl. See you outside. Oh and I'll call Cal...for whatever reason you're asking for him."

Saying so of all them go out, Jade at the last who had decided to give me a 'boost hug'.

I look at myself in the mirror, my appearance totally ghost-like.
Tangled hair, puffy red eyes, pink lipstick smudged near my mouth, red-joker-like nose, all paired with an orange and white crumpled checkered shirt.
I look like the ghost from Conjuring. Even worse.

After crying till death for more than half of the lunchbreak realisation struck me that I'm hungry.
I gushed my friends out, urging them to go and have food instead of patting my shoulder, rubbing my back, giving me long lectures or cursing the whole while.
Some food could get into their systems and so in mine.

I splash the cool water to my face, trying to make myself look more presentable and prepare myself mentally for what I was going to do now.

I take out the small comb from the make-up pouch Jessy always carries and glide it through my hair, while it got stuck at random spots and I had to pull harder, resulting in horrid pain and a lot of hair falling down.

I tie it up in a braid and try to fix my unrepairable shirt.

As soon as I was done, my phone rang.
An unknown number popped on the screen while I picked it up.

"Hello?" I say, my voice hoarse from all that sobbing.

"Lyn!" Came a voice similar to mine on the other end, except for the hoarseness.

"What do you want now?" I grumble angrily to my twin.

"Look Lyn, you might have noticed the absence of your boyfriend till now - " She started.

"Unfortunately, I have. And for the record, I did so in the first few hours of the first day he went missing." I reply, my voice rising.

"Lemme get through with what I'm trying to say Lyn!!" Shailene sighs on the other end.

"Seriously?! You're the one who is angry? I'm the one who has a fucking missing boyfriend, and all due to YOU!" I shout out, anger totally controlling my voice.

The phone is eerily silent for a minute before I heard a desperate voice, "I'm sorry Lyn. But I wasn't the one who commanded the kidnap. Please, hear me out. You'll not regret it."

I sigh, realising that Shailene would only mean good if she's still on the phone after hearing my outburst, and may actually have a plan to save them.

Noticing my silence, she continued, "David was the one, who planned all this. That locket you had? It was sent by him, hell I didn't even know about that. It has an audio recorder in it, that automatically sends all your voices to his phone."

I visibly gasp and continue hearing the rest.

"Obviously, he got you and Julian. He didn't even bother to inform me about it before commanding Charles to go on hunting for him with his shaggy crew.

"He's here now, with us in Mathidedal, in an old wooden house near to Matilda Marina, that was previously owned by a member who died somedays back. I'm trying my very best at the moment to keep them safe Lyn, and they aren't harmed yet."

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