Chapter 36, Julian's POV 1

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This is a completely new thing for me too...presenting Julian's POV!!!

For the hundredth time, I fail at my attempt to untie the ropes fastened to my hands.

I feel Jasmine's soft warm breath on my shoulder and hear her occasional mumbling every once in a while; princesses, mommy, daddy, chocolate cake and ice-cream; nothing much really, but still everything to me. 

We've been locked here for three days. Three fucking horribly long and cruel days, in this dark room with just a single window, the glass cracked horribly.
I feel suffocated and the combined snores of the horribly fat man outside and the one right in front of me are piercing my eardrums.

Shailene occasionally visits us and had Jassy jump with relief for the first time when she saw her.
The physical resemblance between her and my Linda is astonishing.

The personalities though, are poles apart.
Linda has warm eyes a bit darker brown than her twin, a kind smile and a charming personality. She can cheer up anyone in the room, while her reckless and unpredictable personality always keeps me off guard.

Shailene Collins, the real one, on the other hand pierces ice through her eyes. Occasional incidences of kindness can be seen, and is the type of person who sucks in the sorrow of every person around. She has a slight better built though, and those hands are something I'd rather stay away from, no one knows when they'd be on your face giving you a black eye.

She ensures we have food to eat and are kept in manageable conditions. It's all we have right now.

There are several other people I have met, different in every aspect each with their own colourful language.
I try to avoid Jasmine's questions when she asks their meaning.

I eye my sister up close; red hair and hazel like eyes, similar to mine. I wish I could untie her hands and let her escape this; these people are unpredictable in a bad sense. One moment they're feeding us while the next I hear gunshots.

Her right arm has a black bruise which a brunette presented when Jasmine complained that her ropes were too tight.
I so wish I could kick his balls right now. No one messes with my sister. No one. 

I can clearly tell that this isn't anywhere near I live; it's in fact way far from it. From the broken glass on the window, I see grass laid around and a fresh cool breeze to accompany it. The sun is setting while its final rays dance on the green grass. 
My watch reads 11:30, clearly showing the time difference between this place and home to be 7 hours. 

These guys took away my phone, and smashed my iPhone into pieces right in front of my eyes. It had so many memories; photos, voice-notes, videos and texts. My heart aches when I remember the captures of my parents, silly pictures with cousins, application of all kinds of snapchat filters with Jassy, embarrassing videos of my friends and  pictures of me and Linda, her frequent and cute pouts when she was angry, her crazy mad dancing and my stupid recording of singing her 'perfect'. 

Its not about the phone actually, its about my loved ones. 

I can't bear to think of mom and dad, who would be so worried at our disappearance. I terribly miss Shai, her hand ruffling my hair, her smile, her laugh when she crinkled her left eye always making me burst out laughing. I miss being there for her, kissing her, I miss everything.
She may know by now, that I've been kidnapped by her twin; her brains exist and function well enough. 

Shailene Collins is goddamn lucky to have her face, a face that shouts out innocence, displays warmth and kindness for everyone around. 
She doesn't fucking deserve it. 

Before I think anything else, the door bursts open; revealing the strawberry blonde, Lisa. 
Hers is the only name I have managed to learn by now, apart from the horribly fat man snoring right in front of me. 

Lisa is actually pretty normal, and that's the best compliment I can come up with at the moment. She visits us everyday, sneaks a chocolate bar from her jean pocket and gives it to Jasmine; a kind smile on her face. 
She listens to us, adjusts the tightness of the ropes, ensures the window is slightly open for fresh air to move in and out and doesn't fear to speak up to the gang when they treat us harshly.
She tended my wounds when I was beaten by the hard-muscled man about pressurising Linda to tell her story and when they were using violence on my little sister. 

She moves towards us, her hand in her back pocket. I nudge my sister, gently asking her to wake up for the favourite time of her day; the time when she gets food apart from the disgusting porridge. 

Her eyes flutter open and I point at Lisa, making her grin; obviously happy. 

Today for a change, Lisa picks out a gun from her back. 

"Whom are you planning to shoot right now?" I ask lightly, hoping her answer to be the fat man in front of me; ultimately helping us to leave this hell and cancel the loud volcanic eruptions from his mouth. 
I'd always be obliged to her, not only for letting us out and giving chocolate; but for the hope and kindness she displays be visiting us here. 

"Thank you Lisa, seriously. I'd always be in your debt. Killing your mates to rescue don't know how grateful I am." I thank her sincerely.

"Who said a thing about killing them?" She laughs.

Confused, I ask, "Then why the gun?" 

She shrugged her shoulders; "I'm in the mood of spilling some blood today."

Before I say something, she positions the gun; pointing it directly at me. 

With my eyes wide, I try to reason her, "Lisa, think clearly. You can't kill me! You promised to keep us safe until it was time!" 

"It is time. The time when I take the gang  over, I've been planning this for so long. Killing Linda Parker's adoptive parents, shooting Caleb swiftly so that it seems that it was her who shot him, proposing the genius idea of switching places and showing hints of humanity to everyone; even the smelly old rat in the corner of this room which was about to be killed by Charles. I have worked hard you know?

"Not just that, I've also been spilling out some kindness in Shailene, trying to talk her out of this gang stuff. She is just too innocent you know? Doesn't let us deal drugs along with weapons, imagine the money in that, doesn't allow large transactions of weapons to the customers. She ought to know that this is a gang, not a human charity centre. She doesn't deserve the position she is in."

I eye the tall girl, the same one who sneaked in chocolates to Jasmine, tended my wounds and whispered every night to keep calm and keep hope. 
Here she lies in her true form, a cold hearted beast.

"Please, leave us. We didn't do anything to ruin this plan of yours. Let us go." I beg her desperately. 

"Nah. I told you, I'm in the mood to kill someone; apart from Shailene Mande Collins of course," She says flatly, then eyes me from top to bottom, her eyes lustful. "You know, you are too good to get murdered by me. Look at this, I can use you later for colourful purposes man candy."  

Before I give her a piece of my mind, she continues, "But this girl would do fine. Anyway I hate redheads, always super feisty, especially Myra; that lesbian bitch, always flirting with me." 

She points the gun at Jasmine, who has started crying, obviously getting a part of the conversation.

"Not my sister you asshole!" I shout out. "Kill me instead." 

"Nah; you don't get it do you? I am saving you for later." She winks at me before pulling the trigger. 

My sister screams.   

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