Chapter 14, Remembering

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I drive extremely slow. Who want to get to their death fast? A thousand thoughts in my mind.

It was 26th June 2016. Three years back. The day when it all started. The day before Caleb's birthday party. Shailene's ex boyfriend.

As for her boyfriend now? I have no clue. How would I? She barely tells me the job of hers, an important detail; boyfriend? Forget it.

Even I was invited. Shailene and I were really close back then. And why wouldn't we be? Both of us were adopted. Me to the 'Parkers' and she to the 'Collins'. We were best besties back then.
Close as ever. Inseparable.

But before the party, like a day before, Shailene came over to my house and drank too much. Like, really drunk. I didn't and still don't like drinking too much. Who likes to loose control over themselves?

Shailene wasn't and still isn't like me according to behaviour. So, back to the topic, she just didn't stop drinking, and I was forced to like throw the bottle away from her. I made her drink lots of water, which improved her state.

But I clearly remember her words she spoke. It still haunts me as the different paths we took. That was the time I saw right through her. The cheerful, happy and positive Shailene was replaced by the one she is now. Dark, mysterious and cold hearted.

As I dived in our conversation 5 years back. Although my memory sucks, as told that I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night...I remember this conversation. Her words were slurry, which alcohol does to you, but after making her sober at least she was speaking decent. And mine...absolutely crisp. Taking in every word as hard as I could.

Her words slurred as she spoke "I just don't fit in. Linda you can do it easily cause you are nice. But I am not. I don't even know what I'm gonna do."

The Shailene I knew, wasn't like this. I tried to cheer her up. Although she was a jerk, she was smart and kind.

"But Shailene I know you. The person whom you show to everyone is totally different than what you show me. And I absolutely love her." Really...Although I was quite unable to understand what she was saying.

But the next line she spoke, made me go wild.

"No Lyn (Yeah she like MADE a new name for me, not to mention I hated it) I can't. Can I tell you a secret? I have joined a gang, frankly speaking the biggest one here. And they say that I am amazing. It makes me feel loved and desired you know, they say that I can shoot, I can lead them, I have a sharp brain so I can come up with new strategies. And you know what I can kill. I can fucking KILL" she screamed. Her eyes teary.

I got up, barley able to get the words right and tried to comfort her. But she ran away and that was it. The last day I saw MY Shailene.

I had hoped to see her at the party. It was her boyfriend's birthday party...of course she wouldn't miss it. The only reason I went was to reach out to Shailene and stop her. Mind wandered easily at that age, and it was my duty to support her.

But as always, luck never favours me...And I'm hope to make things better for her, I made hers and MINE worse. By murdering Caleb. Yup...I murdered Caleb.

I didn't realize that I was crying until my eyesight turned foggy. I stopped the car and wiped my tears. I don't wanna live that again. Remembering is bad.

Sighing, I reach the hotel. It is a famous 5 star hotel, commonly known. Not to mention the fact, I love the food served there.
Amazing Linda, you are walking to death and on the other hand you're thinking about food. Awesome.

I park my silver Ford, and make my way towards the hotel. I don't know why I feel something is gonna be wrong. Not to mention my sixth sense is strong. No double meanings.

I walk in, into the restaurant and check my watch. Phew! I am not's exactly 8.

And I walk over to Shailene, my childhood bestie and forever twin...

Woo hoo...Who saw that! Comment, vote and share guys! Each of them makes my heart flatter...
Thanks again.
And yeah, from now the book is gonna turn more interesting. Stay updated!!
Xoxo 💕

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