Chapter 34, The Kidnap

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Jade's hand smoothes my back while I sob quietly, barely catching her words of comfort. 

Thea stands in front of me, her hands on her hip who keeps giving me a long lecture on 'You're too strong to cry.' 

As if I'm actually listening. 

Julian is nowhere to be found, and it has been 3 days since his disappearance. I tried to reason myself that he was at home for the first day of school he went missing, and my did nothing but worry grow. After school, I went to his house, to find both Jasmine and Julian missing, while Mrs Wilson contacted the police station. 

Of course that didn't help, its as if he had evaporated into thin air or something. The second day, my worry grew and I tried to find rays of hope anywhere around me, imagining that he'd turn up with some flowers or such at my house and yell, 'Surprise!'; or magically appear behind me saying 'Boo!!'. But of course, none of that happened. His number was unreachable nor was his location. 

I had literally prayed that I find him today, and no luck. It's lunch time and any of my stupid fantasies that he'd come have been washed away. 

Adding to the current experience, horrifying imaginations swim across my mind, the scariest being - his kidnap by none other than my twin. It's the most logical explanation I can find, the worst part being I can't even share it with anyone. Unnecessary questions will be asked, to which I couldn't respond.  It's maybe the only lead we all have of finding him and like a coward I am crying in the bathroom keeping it to myself. 

It's all my fault. 

I gave told him the truth, my past. I was the one who gave him the diary, and was crazy enough to let him go alone to find it. Even after personally witnessing what happened to Olivia, I allowed history to repeat itself. I was the one who let him roam round without any kinds of safety, which took him away from me.  I deserve this, but he doesn't. Why is he the one who has to suffer for my stupidity? 

I hug my knees tightly, the cold tiles taking away any warmth I had in me while the wall supports my back; happy moments with him flashing in my brain. 


Clutching my blue bag tight I had entered my new school; dead set on not making any friends or close relations. My past experience still had a toll on me and I couldn't afford another person to die because of my so called feelings to blabber the pain of my good old days.  

Of course that didn't happen. 

I met Mia and Jessy first in my English class, who were shamelessly commenting on the female teacher's foot size. I joined in, giving my views on 'The toad like giant like feet'. 
Soon enough I had joined them on their huge table, my little self confused at the vacancy of about 8 more chairs. 

The group joined in, Julian in the last taking the seat right in front of me. 

Now, no girl is mad enough not to realise how hot he was. Black hair, angular face, green eyes, a good jawline and abs. 
Talk about it. 

"Who is this now?" He asked, eyeing me from head to toe. "She is real good, whose chic?" 

Why for the love of food, are all the hot guys so damn rude and egoisitic?!
Whatever you may say, I was NOT someone who just hooked up randomly, call me old fashioned, I don't care.

"I like to call myself MY chic, named Shailene Collins whom you can call your lord." I huff out, my eyes daring him to say anything more.

He blinked, not comprehending for a moment, then laughed out. "Oh I'm sorry! I thought that this Jake here, has brought another girl whom he'll give a tour of his bedroom." He apologized, pointing to a another guy with a black leather jacket on. 

All In YellowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ