Chapter 1, Shailene Collins

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"Hey girl!!" cried someone in the hallway. I searched the source and found a girl with crazy curly hair waving.
I wave back at her and then mentally face palm myself as I realize she wasn't talking to me; but to the blonde behind me.

Good morning Shailene. Such an excellent day, right?

Shoving my way through the teen packed corridor, I reach my turquoise colored locker.
Dialing the code I take my algebra book out, which I'm sure weighs tons more than me.

Eyeing the mirror right next to my time table, I fix my high ponytail and TRY to make my un-ironed shirt a bit more crisp, obviously failing at the attempt.

I shut the door, and place my free hand in the pocket of my white pants, ready to run a marathon.

The corridor which was packed with high schoolers hardly just a minute ago is now completely empty, while I stood alone.

An interesting word isn't it?

It especially means very much to me, since that is what my life has been summing up together.

That's also I related to when I left HER alone too, to die, right in my arms. And pretty much how I felt when she did die.


Panicked I look behind me to shout one of my world famous screams again, hear laughter.

Mia, well, Mellisa is laughing like she has just seen a donkey in clothes. Her blonde hair bouncing in all directions while her slim face contracting into interesting shapes. She looks funnier than what I would have!

"You, you are - even funnier than my cousin!!" She managed between laughs.

It couldn't have been that funny would it?

I sighed. 

Turning back, I saw the whole crew heading towards here. 
My squad. 

"What did she do now?" Asks Jessy, Jessica to be precise; pointing at Mia.

"She got so panicked and was about to scream!" Mia replied, still laughing. 

"Alright that's enough now, my ears are done with your laughter. And stop scaring people like a 5 year old." commented Jade, one of my absolute favourite people in the world. Her electric blue eyes today totally matching with her shirt and her black hair coming down in beautiful waves. 

I look around to find Julian, my boyfriend; but he is nowhere to be seen. Ugh.

"Oh Shai, you'll find him at lunch today. He asked me to pass on the message." Shrugs Theo, a good friend of his; while I nod happily. 

After some chatting and Jade reminding us to move our butts to the respective classes, I am here outside the Algebra, Mr. Thomas, the old fat teacher finds my eyes and nods, allowing me to come in and grab a seat. 

Noah and I sit together, in our usual seat. Second last row, at the corner. 

From the corner of my eye, I see a brunette winking. 
Choosing to ignore it, I look ahead, trying not to concentrate on Mr. Thomas's protruding belly. 

"I will be handing you guys the test results now. The class has made a horrible performance, except some students of course." He said smiling at me. Cutting sharp from thoughts, I smile back.

Phew. At least I passed..

I smile as the teacher hands me my paper, and I get a look at the A written on the top right corner. 
Where I just smiled, Noah cried in delight. 

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