Chapter 10, Heaven

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So hey guys! Hope you are liking the book so far! I have tried to add more mystery's, Juilene moments, action and friends goals.
So here's a chapter for all the Juilene fans

Read on!!

"Julian where are we going?" I ask with curiosity "I have a test coming up you know...I have to study"

He again doesn't reply to my question, which I have asked about a million times. Instead he touches his fingers to my lips and leaves me dazed. I love this act of him...although it really means that I shut up.

"Well...see for yourself babe. We are almost here" he whispers.

And as look around the place, realisation hits me. It's the same place we first met. The garden on the cliff.

"Julian...thanks for bringing me here...I -"
And I am stopped by his lips. He kisses me slowly and gently and I kiss him back, our lips moving in synch...making the kiss even more amazing.

After about a thousand years, we brake apart. And I grin.

"So...I finally got it. Whenever you're not acting usual, like a dumb and amazing person, I just have to kiss you. And all will be fine." He smirks "what if I give you a Julian special?"

"Noooo...not now. I have got enough sluts in my life. I don't want my favorite person to become one of them." I say flatly.

"Kidding. Ok so let's get started?" He asks, excited.

"Lets rock!" I exclaim, as we walk around the garden, hand in hand. My cold hand, in the warm one of Julian, giving me all the protection and warmth I need.

"Do you remember? The day we met here? I was in school since a year before you. We both were really popular, you were the lawn tennis captain, and I was busy with football, I clearly remember" he says, as I dive deep into those memories.

"Yeah, we casually said hi to each other. And of course, I did know your name, asshole" I joke.

"And I knew yours, orangutan" he jokes back. And we both laugh. That name truly left me laughing for ages...who names another person ORANGUTAN?

"So afterwards, we set off on our one paths. And again met at this place. You were HIKING as I remember" he chuckles. And I feel myself red. Of course I remember.

I was hiking, yeah, I love hiking! Jumping along on the rocks of the Cliffside, and I tripped. Until...

"Until I saved you." Julian laughs, reading my thoughts.

"How did you read my thoughts?" I ask.

"Because I love you."

"Well thanks for saving me. You didn't even know me by then" I thank.

"If I wouldn't have, my life would have been incomplete without my precious cargo" he replies. "Well, wanna go hiking?"

"Of course!" I again scream, as we set off towards the cliff.

He holds out his hand, and I place my palm in his, suiting it perfectly.

"I do remember the date you know, when we met" he begins "it was 22nd June 2016, approximately four years back. And at sharp 5:09 that is a month after, I proposed you"

My heart melts. And I clutch his hand tighter. I have no words. He is so caring and loving. He even remembers this. Whereas me? I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night.

After hiking, me tripping, just clumsy me being clumsy...we sit in a pizza shop.

"Trust me. The pizza here is delicious! It's my favorite" Julian says excited.

"Sure. But I want a WHOLE pizza for myself." I demand. To which Julian laughs.

"What? I am not joking" I comment flatly. And he nods cheerfully.

We give our orders and wait at the table.

"Don't you ever be sad again. I love you, but am kind of partial to the girl I am sitting with right now, don't wanna lose her at any costs." Julian says, his eyes pleading.

"I won't, being sad isn't fun. It doesn't allow you to be happy" I reply, as the food comes dancing in the hands of the server, leaving my mouth full of saliva. And by looking at the food, I can clearly detect the lions dancing in my stomach yelling - "we want pizza!!"

"Ok fine. Dig in shai" I hear, as I gulp down the food like a total maniac, who has never eaten before. To which Julian laughs and I give a guilty smile, my mouth full of the extra mozzarella cheese.

"Ordered the extra cheese one JUST for you" he smiles, taking up his first piece, where I had eaten two.

After a delicious meal, I realize that I haven't even called mum. Oh she is gonna be so furious. I quickly call her and say that I'm fine, am hanging out with Julian.

To my surprise, she doesn't and instead encourages me to enjoy myself. And I soon enough get a text from Jade.

Sup girl! Hope you feel better now. I told Julian about this and he said he would handle it.
So! Prom is almost here,and we haven't even picked our dresses!!
So Mia says that we meet at her place TOMORROW SHARP AT 2PM. And have girls shopping and sleepover.
What do you say!?

I smile and tell her I'll be there and thank her for the caring attitude.

"So?" Asks Julian, who has been watching me.

"Prom shopping and sleepover! At Mia's place" I reply.

"Enjoy then." He wishes and drops me home after a kiss.

I wave him a goodbye and goodnight, as I go up to my room and tuck myself in my cosy and warm bed. Heaven.

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