Meeting the Cast - Chapter 25

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~Saihara POV~

After figuring out who was gonna get to the getaway, we walked to class. It seems that the others had already checked too.. We took our seats and Kaede, Oma, and I went to Gonta and Keebo. "We all got picked to go!" Kaede said with an excited tone.

"Yea! Gonta hope there many bugs in new talent development room!" he says with a smile.

"I hope that my talent development room is better than the one here.. The other one makes me feel.. Too robotic. It's definitely not my type." Keebo said.

"Well, obviously it's gonna be robotic because you're a robot, Keeboy!" Oma said with a smile.

"Despite being a robot, being a robot isn't my whole personality!"

Oma looked in shock as he gasped. "Eh?! Really?! There's more to you than being a robot!?"

"..I will make it my mission to avoid you entirely next weekend!" Keebo growled at him.

Mr. Harada walked in interrupting their argument, thankfully. We all took our seats as Mr. Harada talked to us. "Hello class, I'm assuming I don't need to tell you who got chosen to the getaway. But if I do, it's Akamatsu, Saihara, Keebo, Gokuhara, and Oma."

Tojo just nodded. "Yes, I believe that we all have already seen it."

"Alright then. Let's start class for the day.."


Class quickly passed and so did the week. The week was pretty normal, we just did the same things we usually did. It was now Friday during lunch, and today just me and Akamatsu decided to hang out at her talent development room. Yesterday, I had showed her around my talent development room so she could see how bland it was. She then insisted I had to go to her talent development room because I showed her mine.

She was playing me the first song I've ever heard from her, and the first duet we ever played together.

Clair de Lune by Debussy.

I couldn't even focus on my meal, I was completely entranced by her playing. The way her fingers effortlessly flew across the keys, the way her full attention was on the piano, the way she smiled at the melody she created. In every single way, she was the most beautiful and perfect piano player I've ever seen. I loved all of it.

Kaede finished her song and looked at me with a smile. She then giggled when she realized I had been ogling her. "Like it?"

"Of course. I love every song from you.. They don't call you the Ultimate Pianist for nothing. I love how happy you look while playing it, it just makes the playing so much better. You were really beautiful to watch, as usual." I gave a gentle smile and saw her blush a little bit.

"T-Thank you, Shuichi. That means a lot."

"No problem.." I blushed as well, I had not meant to say those embarrassing things.. I was thinking it, but I did not expect it to come out of my mouth.

Suddenly, she walked up to me and took a seat next to me on the chair we had brought in. "I love you." she blurted out with a smile as she pulled out her lunch.

"I love you too.." I took a bite out of my sandwich. It was a little awkward that she had said while I was eating.

"Oh hey, you got something there." she said as she got out her handkerchief. She wiped off some sauce off my lips.

"T-Thanks." Oh god, that had been really embarrassing. My girlfriend saw me being a messy eater..

She just laughed though, I guess she could tell I was embarrassed. She pulled out her lunchbox as she talked. "Didn't take it that someone calm and collected like you was a messy eater.." she teased.

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