Only I Deserve The Pain - Chapter 35

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~Switch Perspective~

I hear the doorbell again the next day. It's definitely my boyfriend here to pick me up, I can't wait to see him without bags under his eyes! I quickly open the door-

"Oh my god!"

The bags are somehow worse?! Also, his hair was messier than yesterday (it would look cute if we were in a better situation). "Did you not sleep well again??"

"Yea.. I didn't think it was that noticeable." he says as he rubs his eyes. I give him a pout, he ignored my wishes.

"Shuichi.. I thought you promised me you'd get rest today!"

"I'm sorry.." he says with a guilty tone. There's no way I could stay mad at him like that.. I give a frustrated sigh.

"It's okay. Make extra extra sure you get some sleep, okay?"

He nods his head as the two of us walk to school.

Could a case be bothering him this much? I believe in him and he should know it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as he solves it in the end. He doesn't need to stress over a case like this, even if he is the Ultimate Detective.

"Shuichi!" Momota yelled at the detective as soon as he walked in class. He flinched in surprise as he looked at him.


"You didn't show up to training, bro!" Momota told him with a disappointed look. "It's okay, we just gotta do five hundred push ups today!"

"O-One hundred?" he stutters. His shoulders droop down upon hearing this information.

"..No." he said with a weirded out expression. Probably because Shuichi had said the incorrect number. "Five hundred. You good bro?"

"Ah, sorry.." he scratches the back of his head as he sits at his desk. He rests his head against the table and rests his eyes.

"He didn't get a lot of rest today." I tell Momota as I rub his hair out of his eyes. "Jeez, after what I told him yesterday.. I think he should go to the infirmary again. But.."

My boyfriend had already fallen to asleep. I didn't wanna wake him up and I didn't have the strength to carry him.

"Not enough time.." Momota sighed as he looked at the clock. 5 minutes before class.

Harukawa put her hand up. "I can carry him."

"Nah, he's my sidekick, so I got it!" he offered.

"I can do it." Oma said with a devilish smile. We immediately shook our heads, with his body could he even carry Shuichi? Even if he did have the strength, we didn't trust the Supreme leader with him; with that smile he was definitely planning something annoying. He would probably throw him into the toilet or something.

"Gonta can do it!" Gonta interjects as he stands up from his seat. "Gonta may not be smart boy, but Gonta wanna help Saihara in any way he can!"

The other three that offered their help shrugged and let out a 'Yea, Gonta can do it..'

"Thank you, Gonta!" I say with a smile. He gives a smile as he picks up the sleeping boy.

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