Evil Organization? - Chapter 42

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A.N: this chapter may be boring, I'm sorry. not much saimatsu. uhh, it kinda has to be done though so yea. after this chapter, chapters will be shorter and more fun. I hope you enjoy!

Perspective Change (Akamatsu)

I awake in the morning feeling well-rested. The past few days have been stress-free, unlike before. I stretch my arms with a loud yawn, reaching for my phone on my bedstand.

It's already been 6 days since Shuichi solved his case, and I'm proud of him! I kinda sound like his mom, whoops. I guess I shouldn't be treating him like a child so much, of course, he would solve it. He's become super reliable since I first met him.

I wonder what happened?

Momota was so glad to find out the news we got back together. The four of us walked home together and I quickly brought it up before I forgot. Somehow, he seemed more excited than I was... He jumped up and offered a hug, which I quickly declined. Harukawa seemed like she didn't care but I could tell she was happy. Dunno, maybe I'm just smart like that.

Just kidding.

We didn't really need to tell anyone else because they didn't know about the temporary break-up between Shuichi and me. I'm glad it wasn't longer than a few days, that would've sucked more than it already did. Of course, the others are glad that I'm back to my usual hyper self. 

Of course, after that Momota insisted that they go out for a celebratory workout session (though I don't know how rewarding that is) and he had no other choice except to accept. I can still remember him reaching back to me with fear in his eyes as he got pulled away by Momota.

I tiredly giggled at the thought. I pull my phone in front of me, my eyes slightly closed from my drowsiness, and sent a text to my boyfriend.

You: Good morning shuichi!

I force myself to get out of my bed, hobbling over to the bathroom to wash my face.


After getting ready for the day and hanging around (mainly playing piano), I finally check my phone to see if Shuichi's up. Still no response from him...

It's fine, he probably woke up late. Jeez, late sleeper.

Wait, isn't that pretty bad? It's already past noon. Hm... Wouldn't it be kinda clingy if I were to call him though? Should I call him and try to wake him up?

I cross my arms as I think deeply.

It'll give him a quick call and if he doesn't answer, I'm gonna assume he's sick or still asleep. I watch as the phone rings for his number.







He did tell me his ringer was always on so this should've woke him up...

No, no. He's probably sick! If he doesn't text back in another 2 hours, I'll worry then. For now, I'll do something. With a deep inhale to calm myself down, I rest at the piano to play some soothing music.

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