mintomi pt.2

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[sorry this came out late- hope this makes it up!]

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[sorry this came out late- hope this makes it up!]

[yyyyeah- no, they still dont frick.]

[leads to something like this.]

Hitomi has been acting weird lately. 

She has been avoiding Minju all week, and it didn't take more than a day for the frog to notice. She thought maybe Hitomi just wasn't feeling well. She would sometimes have really bad days where she gets grumpy, so she didn't thought any of it. 

She and Minju always go to lunch together. They would always find an unused classroom or a hidden area where students weren't supposed to be, like the gym's closet, or dimly lit back hallways, or rarely used storage areas. Somewhere they could get away from the general idea of a hundred students crammed into a cafeteria. 

But this week, every single day, Minju could find Hitomi anywhere. Not in any of their favorite spots, not somewhere obvious, not even sitting among the other students. 

She didn't much feel like eating lunch when the peach wasn't there.

After every class, whoever managed to get out first would meet the other and walk that person to their next class. If they had the same class, they always sat next to each other and secretly passed notes back and forth. 

But Hitomi had seemed really interested on whatever the teachers were talking about this week. She didn't look at the poor frog, she didn't smile nor said hi. Just nothing.

Hitomi didn't even acknowledge Minju when she met her after a class. 

The two of them walked in silence. The younger of the two seemed to quicken her pace, trying to get ahead of Minju. Of course, with her long legs, Minju could easily keep up. A couple times, Minju even intentionally waited at her previous class for Hitomi to get there. But she never came.

Minju started to get a twisting ache in her stomach as the weekend crept closer. She wouldn't be able to make it through the weekend without seeing Hitomi. 

She thought back to the previous week, and the week before that. She knew that she could be a little pushy, and bossy, but usually when she crossed a line, Hitomi would call her out on it and possibly get all 'tsun' on her. Minju would apologize, and genuinely feel bad for a moment, and then everything would go back to normal.

But she must have said or done something really bad this time. Something that Hitomi hadn't mentioned to her, but was still holding inside. 

What could it be? 

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