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'I'm so screwed!'
"We thought if we set up around a monsters hunting grounds we could find you. Turns out we were right. Good thing we dealt with the giant locust killing people. Made for a nice trap for you."
"I haven't killed anyone."
"Your still a monster. And monsters deserve to be put down." He told as he aimed his gun at me.
I instantly began to sprint off to get away from them.
They fired another shot, hitting me in the side.
'I'm going to fucken die! How wonderful!'
My phone began to ring making me rush into the forest that I knew connected to the park near the motel the boys were staying at. I grabbed my phone to see it was Dean making me pick up.
"Dean this isn't the time."
"Where did you go?"
"It was a trap for me. Call (f/n) tell her code red."
"I don't know her number."
"She texted you. Call that number."
"She said never contact it again."
"She still has the phone. She doesn't get rid of them till next week. She has a dedicated drop day."
"Are you alright?"
"Not exactly. Get Sam to put all my things in my car and get him to drive it to the edge of town where the sign has the dick drawn on it."
"(Y/n) I'll come get you."
"Too risky. Please Dean just do this for me."
"You better call me when you get to the edge of town."
"Of course. Be safe."
"You as well."
Once he hung up I kept running to get out of here as quick as I could.
'God I hate this!'

(Dean p.o.v)

"Dean what the hell is going on?"
"Turns out one of the groups that wants her dead set up a trap to get her."
"Where is she then?"
"Running to the edge of town. We gotta call (f/n)."
"We don't have her number."
"Just collect her stuff and get it into her car. We gotta get her as far as we can." I told making him quickly start.
I called the number that she used to text us this case.
"(F/n), it's me Dean."
"I thought I told you to never contact this number again."
"Code red."
"What did you say?"
"(Y/n) told me to tell you code red."
"Shit! Are you with her?"
"No we aren't. She's running to the edge of town."
"You two need to get to her and get out of town. I don't care about the case anymore, you better get her to safety."
"On it."
"I swear if you don't save her, I will personally hunt you down and kill you."
"Got it." I told before she hung up. "Damn she's scary."
Sam rushed back in and I tossed him my keys for Baby.
"What's going on?"
"Get our things and get them into Baby. I'm going to drive to get her and we are just going to keep going. Next two towns over. You know the drill."
"What sign?"
"The one with the dick on it." I told as he tossed her keys to me.
'Coming to get you Wolfie.'

I drove past the sign and saw that the cost was clear. I pulled over and sent her a quick text saying that it was in the spot. I made sure to keep a look out if anyone was coming till the door opened and shut.
"Drive." She told making me quickly speed off.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine."
"There's blood."
"I know. Just shut up and drive."
"You sure they won't come up this way?"
"Nope. There are five ways to get in using the road. 16 if you include on foot. They lost me as soon as I got into the woods. Where's Sam?"
"He's coming behind us. We are going to meet two towns over."
"Thing we do. Who were they?"
"The group that set the trap are hunters. They dealt with it and hoped I would show up. Fucken pricks."
"Don't worry. We'll protect you."
'Who could ever think of killing her?'

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