Past cases with different details.

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"Sorry. But you must have me confused with someone else." She told before leaving me where I was standing.
'She doesn't remember me......'

"I'm telling you she was there for those cases Sammy." I told trying to convince him while we sat in the diner.
"Dude, she obviously doesn't know anything." He argued making me mad.
"She does. Maybe a witch has messed with everyone's mind but mine."
"Why would a witch do that?"
"I have no clue! To spite me."
"What cases did she supposedly work with us? I want to understand where you are coming from."
"We met her with the black eye children case."
"I remember the case. I don't remember her being there."
"She found the kid under the floorboards."
"You found her there."
"Ok. Uh what about the second one where the ghost had all those split personality's or something!"
"Again. Remember the case, she wasn't there."
"The case with the witch and all those knives were chasing her?" I asked making him give a confused look. "The witch threw you into the wall."
"That case didn't happen."
"The wendigo?"
"That's the one where we slept in the car right?"
"She still wasn't there." He told making me groan and hit my head onto the table.
'Why does no one remember her?'
"Dude, what's this really about?"
"What?" I questioned looking up.
"You just wake up one day spurting nonsense about a girl we apparently know and turns out she is real but knows nothing about this life. What is this about? Is the job finally getting to you or something?" He asked making me think to nearly a years worth of memory's we had made with her.
'That couldn't have all been a dream.'
"Did you maybe just see a picture of her and made all this up to try and meet her?"
"I don't know why you don't remember her or why no one does. But what I'm telling you is true. I mean, I hit her with baby and she spent like a month with us in the bunker and Cas......" I explained before I realised. "And Cas."
"What about him?"
"Cas has met Wolfie." I told as I rushed to put money on the table and grab my things.
'I've got a plan.'

The new Hunter in town.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora