Now I remember how I got here.

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I woke up and was confused on where I was. When I woke up more my nose quickly picked up on the heavy iron smell in here.
'Where the fuck am I?'
I took in my surroundings to see I was in some cave from the looks of it.
'Ok that solves one question. Now how did I get here?'

24 hours earlier.

I was walking with Sam as I read a book that I had with me. Sam had to keep moving me out of people's ways since I wasn't paying attention.
"You know this would be easier if you were paying attention to walking instead of reading." He told
"Why? They'll move out of the way for me." I told making him chuckle.
"Come on Deans waiting for us at the motel."
"That place is shitty and I'm still upset (f/n) couldn't find us a place."
My phone began to ring making me pick it up.

"Code blue!"
"Code blue?!"
"Yes code blue! Where are you?!"
"I'm walking with Sam on Smith street."
"How far are you from your car?!"
"Not running distance. How far are they?"
"Like round the corner."
"I'll figure something out. If I don't see you it was good knowing ya."
"Same to you."

I pocketed my phone and quickly grabbed Sams hand pulling into a nearby alley making sure we were hiding behind the bins and everything as I squeezed my eyes shut.
"(Y/n) what the hell is going on?"
"One of the groups is passing through town and I'm too far from the car to bolt for a bit so um hide."
I heard their cars go past and I zoned in to try and listen to their radio.

"She isn't in this town. We've checked everywhere but she isn't here. Guess we move onto the next town. Talk later dude."

I listened and waited till I could tell their cars were a safe distance for me to leave with Sam.
"Ok so why are they after you?"
"Best to not know the answer to that." I told as I made sure to keep an eye and ear out for them.
"Something to do with your family?"
"Let's just say they are the reason my mother and baby brother are dead." I told before we rushed back to the motel
We jumped into Baby and I lowered myself below the windows to be safe.
"What's with the way your acting (y/n)?" Dean asked
"Uh code blue." I told giving a sheepish grin.
"Code blue?" He asked
"Apparently one of the groups that's hunting her showed up in town." Sam told
"Don't worry, they are heading out. I'm just keeping a low profile till tonight." I told
"Why do people want to hunt you down?" He asked
"Best not knowing the reason."
"Something to do with her mum and baby brother." Sam quietly told.

Back to the cave.

'No they left. The last thing I remember was going to sleep in Baby..... Wait no I woke up to head to the toilet..... oh shit that's when I was taken. Was it?'
"Your awake?" A voice told
I turned my head to the left and saw a guy I recognised.
"Daniel Mitch?" I asked
"You know who I am?!"
"Yeah. You've been missing for like almost a week." I told "Are we in a cave?"
"Yeah. This monster has taken us here and keep us chained."
I looked up and moved my arms to see they were chained well. But I knew it wasn't going to matter.
'Gotta love being me.'
I began to pull on the chains only stopping when he spoke.
"I've already tried that. They won't break."
"For you maybe. I have a gift for not being able to be kept in things."
"Something I grew up with." I told
I wrapped my arms around the chains and pulled down on them making them break.
'I'm gonna beat the crap outta this monster.'
"Do not tell anyone about this. Lips sealed, deal?"
"Of course."
I walked over to the dude and grabbed the chains pulling them down breaking them.
"Now come on. I have two boys to get back to and they are probably pissed..... oh shit (f/n) gonna kill me."
We began to walked out of the cave but I heard footsteps. I quickly pushed him to the wall and grabbed the chain getting ready to attack. They walked a few steps past me and I quickly wrapped the chains around the dudes neck using him to lift myself into the air kicking the other dude before pulling the chain tighter around the first dudes neck.
The light was shone on us making me glare at them.
"Uh.... your choking Dean." He told
I quickly let go and I raised my hands up into the air.
"Sorry about that."
"Why is it always me being attacked by you?"
"Don't walk into a room first. Simple." I told before helping him up.
He looked at me and I could tell his eyes went wide.
"Jesus are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Your all bloody (y/n). You are not fine." He told
"Trust me. I'm a quick healer." I told as I began to walk out of the cave with them following. "How did you two find me anyway I don't have my phone?"
"(F/n) helped us track you down." Sam told as we headed for the exist.
"I am so gonna find that tracker on me."
"You know about it?" Dean asked
"Yeah it's so she can find my body. How long have I been gone for?"
"Three days. Wendigo got you." He told
"(F/n) is gonna kill me!"
"Thankfully she understood the situation after we explained it." Sam told
"Well I'm gonna beat the crap outta the fucker."
"Use this." Dean told as he tossed me the flare gun
I quickly caught it before tossing it back to him.
"Don't need it." I told as I grabbed the flask that I hide in my boot and my lighter.
"What are you going to use to fight it?" He asked
"I'll have you know for a hobby when I was younger was to do with fire."
I quickly stopped when I heard movement.
"It's coming." I told
We began to rush and I was quick to fill my mouth with the liquid from my flask.
"Should you really be drinking?!" Dean exclaimed while we ran.
I gave him a look before stopping and turning around. As soon as it came close I lit my lighter and placed it near my mouth. I gave it a wink before blowing and burning it. As soon as my mouth was empty before I turned around and began to run with them rushing off with me.
"What the hell was that?!" Sam exclaimed
"I told you a hobby of mine had to do with fire!"
"But fire breathing?!" Dean exclaimed
"Oh bite me Hassle Hoff!"
"Why do people refer me to him?!"
"Just run!"
Thankfully my fire breathing trick worked and killed the thing. Once we made it to the woods Sam picked at Daniels locks while Dean got mine.
"How the hell did you break lose?" He asked me
I quickly gave Daniel a look making sure he remembered before looking back at my locks.
"Guess the amount of people that pulled finally made them break when we did it." I lied
"I'm just glad your safe. We gotta patch you up when we get back to the car." He told
'These better be new cuts.'
"I'm glad I'm not monster food. I have enough monsters that want me dead." I told giving him a small smile.
"Let's maybe keep it that amount." He told smiling back at me.
'You are a strange one Dean Winchester.'

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