No one is staying there.

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We arrived at the motel and Sam came out with a look that he knew something that was not going to go well.
"Sammy why do you look like that?" Dean asked as we were leaning against Baby.
"Maybe he got rejected by the owner." I suggested
"It was a dude." He told giving me a look
"And you could swing both ways. I don't judge." I told making Dean chuckle.
"You won't be laughing once I tell you the bad news. They only have one room left but the good news is, it's with double beds." He told
"Huh. Dibs a bed." I quickly told
"That's bull." Dean told as I grabbed my bag before heading to the room we had.
"Should have been quicker. But hey you two can find out who has the couch."
They grabbed their things and followed after me to the room. Once we got there and got in we saw the couch did not look good for anyone to touch, making us all think that we shouldn't touch anything in this room.
"Are you sure there's no other place for us to stay?" I asked
"Sadly no. This is the only place that had a vacant room." Sam told
"Shall we sleep in the cars then?" I suggested
"Agreed." They both told.
Me and Dean headed back to the cars to drive them up to the front of our room just so we could look like we are staying in the room.
'This is going to suck.'

After learning everything we could from people about their missing love ones we learnt that some people were taken from their cars late at night made me more mad about the room situation. Turns out that only happened if they lived extremely close to the woods and our motel is right across from said woods.
'I would sleep in the god damn bath if I could be sure that, that was also clean.'
We headed back to the motel and sat in Baby eating our food as we went over the case.
"You know what? How the hell is that block staying in business if those rooms aren't even clean?" I asked
"Maybe it's an undercover operation for drugs or something." Sam suggested
"God I hope not." I told
"I think we would have the shittiest luck if that's true." Dean added making us all chuckle.
My phone began to ring and I picked it up.

"Pete's Porno Place, we've got the pics to please your pecker. This is Pete." I told making the boys share a confused look before looking towards me.
"(Y/n) you gotta stop answering the phone like that."
"Or what you'll spank me?"
"Anyway," she told changing the topic." I was just curious if you made it to the town."
"Yeah we did." I told before realising my mistake.
"What do you mean we?"
"Did I say we? I mean me. I made it to town by me self."
"Your with the Winchester's again aren't you?"
"Put me on speaker."

I put her on speaker and held it so the other two could listen in as well.

"So I'm going to ask you again. Are you with the Winchester's?"
"Yes." They both told making me whack them.
"For god sake dude. I thought you finished working the last case with them?"
"Yeah well, they decided to help with this one as well." I told giving a slight pout.
"Well what have you learnt?"
"That we are possibly staying in the parking lot of a place that sells drugs."
"The case (y/n)! I meant the case!"
"Some people have been taken from their cars since they live close to the woods."
"And your not going to find a place to stay at?"
"We have." Sam told
"And we all agreed not to sleep in that room." Dean continued
"It looks like it has fleas and bed bugs." I added
"I'll see if I can find another room for the rest of your time there. Till then be safe and don't forget you gotta be back at mine by the 18th."
"Yes I know and I will. I will see you when I see you and if I don't it was good knowing you."
"It was good knowing you." She told before hanging up.

I gave a stretch but made sure to keep my shoulder that got cut covered so the boys didn't see what has happened.
"What's the time?" I asked
Dean looked at the clock in the dash before his watch.
"Close to 11pm."
"Well with that I will head to my car to sleep." I told
"(Y/n) wait." Dean told making me stop.
"How bout you sleep in here with us." Sam suggested
"Well if people are being taken from cars we don't want you to be taken from yours." Dean told
"Ok. How are we going to manage that?" I asked
"Sammy can sleep in the back." Dean joked making me laugh. "I'm kidding. We can push this part back and just sleep however."
"Alright. Let me grab the pillow and blanket I keep with me after I get changed." I told leaving.
I didn't dare set foot in the room and went to the public bathroom that joined up with the joint to see they were much cleaner.
I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth, and was glad they still looked human. I made my way back to the cars and grabbed my pillow and blanket before turning to Baby to see the boys hardly changed.
"I see you guys just sleep in whatever." I told as I tossed my things in.
"We were waiting for you to get back for us to have our turns." Dean told before he headed off.
'I'm glad I packed that somewhat long sleeve. Would hate to have the boys wake up to see the stitches were gone. And great it's itchy again.'
I began to scratch it a little bit before stopping myself.
I was leaning against one of the back doors talking to Sam about space when the door across from me opened.
"Your turn Sammy." He told before crawling in and sitting next to me.
Sam left and also shut the door the Dean left open leaving us alone. I could feel my arm was beginning to itch again and I began to scratch it trying to calm it down enough so I could sleep.
"(Y/n) I'm serious you gotta stop scratching it." He told
"I can't help it. I always get itchy the day after getting stitches."
"Well stop or we will have to sew you up again." He told as he pulled my hand away from it.
"It'll be fine. You sounded like my dad." I told
"I do?"
"Yeah. Whenever me or my siblings got a scratch or cut, we were always scratching at it the next day and he kept telling us not to. But my mum would say it was fine and that we got it from her side of the family."
"Why would she agree to let you do that?" He questioned trying to stop the smile on his face.
"I have no idea but she would and when he wasn't looking she would mouth go on you can." I told as I laughed at the memory with him joining.
Sam came back and gave us a confused look.
"What did I miss?"
"Just talking about my family. Dad would tell us not to do something and mum went go for it."
"Usually it's the other way around." He told as he climbed in and leaned against the door he was leaning against before.
"Yeah but my mother kinda grew up with her family being tough. So she kinda wanted to pass it down to us. I miss them a lot." I told
"Why don't we visit them before the 18th?" Dean suggested
"Yeah we can meet your family and get to question your mother on why she was like that." Sam told making them chuckle.
"Because we can't." I told giving a small smile.
"This to do with the whole being kicked out?" Dean asked
"What is the story behind that if you don't mind telling us?" Sam asked
"I didn't get kicked out. My older sister died in a car accident and the rest of my family was murdered."
They were silent and I felt like I made things awkward.
'I shouldn't have told them.'
"Our mother was murdered by a demon above my crib when I was 6 months old." Sam told
"I had to carry him out of the house when the place caught on fire." Dean added
"So you don't even know your mother?" I asked as I looked at Sam
"I mean we met her when she was younger. Time travel." He told "so I got to know her somewhat."
"And our dad sold his soul to the same demon so I didn't die." Dean added making me look at him before looking down at my hands.
"Guess we are all orphans than." I told
"The three orphans." Dean said before pausing like her was thinking. "I like the sound of that."
"Shall we lock the doors and hope none of us are taken in the night?" Sam suggest making me chuckle.
"Figures cross its Shorty if we do." I told as I locked the door I was on
"And I thought we were getting along. You know what I'm gonna think of a nickname for you." He told making me roll my eyes at him.
"Don't hurt your brain too much now." I told making Sam laugh.
'They really are becoming apart of my family.... I can't let them know.'
I curled up in my sleeping bag before drifting off to sleep hoping none of us we taken during the night.

The new Hunter in town.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang