What a way to go out.

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I ended up being tied up again..... still with rope since it's the only thing the dude had, but he no longer had to worry about me escaping.
'Maybe I'll see my mother or father again.... Maybe my siblings as well...... I could see my big sister again, I hope I can see her again.'
"Now that we are all here! We can celebrate!" He told as I stayed looking towards the ground.
"You lay a hand on them and I'll kill you!" Dean exclaimed
"Your little girlfriend has already begged for death. Seems a bit mean of you to try and stop that." He told
"Your just trying to get into our heads." Sam stated
"Then why isn't she telling you guys it's not the truth? She switched to fighting and wanting death as soon as you two showed up. Maybe she's sick and tired of you guys treating her like garbage."
"We don't treat her like garbage." Dean told making me look up towards her. "Yeah me and her argue more then her and my brother. But I like to think that's just because we are both people who want to protect the other so we butt heads every now and then. I care for her and have for a really long time despite how others see it. Yeah she could be more open with us but if she ever becomes comfortable to talk then we will be all ears for her to talk to us about herself, and we will wait for her to come to that conclusion. And if you lay a hand on her I will kill you."
'They care for me?..... oh god I'm an idiot.'
I grew out one of my claws and began to destroy the rope that bound my hands at the back of the chair.
"Man this is boring."
"Sorry we aren't entertaining enough for you." Sam shot back.
"Your meant to be more angry! More angry about her!"
"We aren't giving you what you want! She's our family so when she's hurt we hurt! We wouldn't have done what we've done if we didn't care for her like we do!"
"Why won't you shut up about this?!"
"Because we're distracting." They both told as one.
He turned around and I forced some purple flowers into his mouth before punching him past the boys so we were out of their sight.
"Don't you ever lay a single hand on them!" I told as I walked towards him and changed my eye colours back to their wolf form making him become shocked slightly before remembering who was in the room with us.
"Your too scared for them to find out." He told after swallowing the flowers.
"Maybe. But you've just swallowed wolfsbane, so you should be paralysed pretty soon." I stated.
"You'll pay."
He quickly got up to attack me but I grabbed the gun I got quickly and shot him in the head. When I knew he was really dead I blinked a few times for my regular eye colour to come back to normal. Once I knew they looked human again I rushed over and began to get the boys out of the ropes.
"How strong are you?" Dean asked.
"Really strong. Think it was just adrenaline for that though." I stated as I got Sams ropes broken and I moved to Deans.
"Are you ok thought from when he punched you?" Sam asked making me nod.
"Yeah. Again, adrenaline. So should be good with some painkillers and what not."
Once I got Dean out of the ropes, he nearly knocked me over with how quick he tackled me into a hug.
"Not gonna lie. Bit weird you know, but also nice."
"Don't scare us like that again."
"I'll try not and get taken from my room." I stated before Dean pulled Sam into the hug.
We stood like that for a minute or so, till they pulled away and Sam spoke.
"How did you know about wolfsbane?"
"Oh I carry some with me all the time. Never know when you might need it. Mum taught me about it when I was younger, and then I became a hunter and learnt that wolfsbane actually does work on them."
"It does?"
"Yeah. Paralyses wolves. (F/n) has a section on their property with them so we are always in stock. I'm not allowed to go near it though."
"Good to know." Sam added.
"Why aren't you allowed to go near it?" Dean asked making me show my hand I used to show it was red.
"I'm allergic."
"Jesus....." Dean exclaimed as he began to rant over the whole thing.
'They see me as family. I'm happy that's the case.'

The new Hunter in town.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz