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( (Y/n) p.o.v)

I was washing the dried blood that was left on my skin from being shot and then sewed up by Dean. I looked at my teeth in the mirror to still see they looked human.
'That's a positive at least.'
I ran my hand through my hair so I could see my ears and was glad they still haven't changed back to the wolf state once they got cut.

("(Y/n) this is insane."
"It's the only was I can hide when in public."
"Shaving your teeth down is one thing. But cutting your ears so they look human again is basically self torture at this point."
"If they are always stuck in this phase, then I will never be able to hide from that group. This way, I'm safer."
"You are being knocked out for this, I hope you know."
"Thank you, (f/n).")

I was cut out of my thoughts when the door was knocked on making me opened it.
"Got you some clean clothes." He quickly told as he handed them to me and left.
I shut the door and quickly got changed so I looked decent again. I walked to the bed Dean was sitting on and sat next to him. I watched as he went searching for something to watch and I couldn't stop thinking.
'He helped me so much....  he risked his own life for mine.'
"Thank you." I told making him look towards me.
"No problem. I care for you and you needed help."
"Yeah but you didn't need to sew me up. I could have done that myself."
"Felt better knowing it was done."
"Getting soft on me old man?" I asked as I nudged him a bit making him do the same back.
"Shut up."
'He really is great.'

I was sleeping in bed when I was woken up by talking.
"Sam be quiet she's sleeping."
"Dean, they set a trap for her. Who knows how long she's lived like this."
"That's why we protect her. She becoming family, and that don't end in blood."
"What if she doesn't want us to help?"
"What makes you think we are going to ask her to let us help her. We are just gonna do it."
There was something comforting knowing that they had my back. Like I wasn't alone in the world.
'Guess we are some dysfunctional family then.'

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