Yeah well what can you do.

411 7 0

( (y/n) p.o.v)

I pulled up to the mansion and pushed the buzzer.

"What are you doing here?"
"Thought you'd be glad to see me in person again?"
"The police are after you (y/n)."
"So are many other people and things. Just open the gate I gotta get shit sorted for later this week."
"Shit! I forgot that was happening this week."
"So mind opening the gate then?"
"Give me a minute."

I leaned my head back onto the head rest as I watched the gates open. I drove in and headed towards the barn she had set up for me. I placed the tarp over my car and grabbed my bag as I made my way into the mansion to see (f/n) walking out of her study.
"You look like hell." She told as I threw my bag down somewhere.
"Been driving for 7hrs non stop since 5am. Got any jobs for me?" I asked as I lied down on the couch
"You know the rules. You don't work the week leading to it."
"What fun. You know I just get angry I never really hulk out."
"Yes well better safe then sorry." She told.
"So any update on things?"
"I'm hacking into the wanted list to delete any recorded of you. How did you get the police involved?"
"Someone snitched on me. Apparently they saw when I cut the vamps head off."
"You need to be more careful."
"I was."
"Like working with The Winchesters. Cause that's careful."
"It's not my fault they have accepted the same cases that I have. Those boys are so not like what I pictured."
"They aren't insufferable? Pricks? Boys who are so reckless and don't think before doing anything? Just to name a few things you said."
"Oh no the small one is much like that. But also not as well. It's weird."
"So what your saying is.... they are growing on ya."
"Somewhat. I don't know it's weird (f/n)! They are hunters and the ones that have nearly brought the end of the world countless times but they are nice. We share common interests and get along great. They want me to join their team....."
"That's a really bad idea. They aren't like me (y/n). They are hunters and once they find out your secret you think they'll be open arms about it?"
"I know it is! I keep telling them no. I keep pushing them away but they aren't exactly the easiest to keep at arms length."
"What are you going to do then?"
"I don't know. It's the one thing that I haven't been able to work out. I want to get to know them more but I know I shouldn't. I make them laugh and they make me laugh. It's like..... it's like how shit was before I became a hunter or discovered this thing about me. My life for the past few years has been complete horse shit, but now for the past two times I've seen them..... it hasn't been."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I..... don't know."
"I'm gonna go back to finishing the whole stopping you from being wanted." She told as she headed back to her study.
I continued to look up at the ceiling and began to brush my tongue over my teeth to feel they've grown sharp again.
I got up from the couch and went over to where (f/n) was.
"Yo. I have a question."
"Where is the file? I forget where it is."
"In your bathroom. Please next time don't leave it out here and for god sake please, do not do it in front of me since I hate it so much. Makes me cringe."
"Will do." I told before grabbing my bag and headed to my room.
I walked in and went to my bathroom after I threw my bag onto the bed and grabbed my file. I opened my mouth and began to start the process.
'Gotta love being part werewolf.'

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