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We were chilling in their room since I didn't want them knowing where I was sleeping in the place with our food from downstairs.
"So tell us how you discovered it was four spirits?" Sam asked
"Because a child of one of them saw four distinct spirits. They hid in the closet because they were terrified of the boogeyman."
"So how do we catch these sons-of-bitches anyway?" Dean asked
"Find their bones give 'em some salt and make it like its 1989." I told before taking a sip from my beer.
"We need to know they are the right bones before we do that."
"You know Smurf, we could just burn all the bones."
"We can't just do that."
"Your no fun. How do you deal with him shorty?"
"You know that's not my name."
"You know I don't care right?" I shot back making Sam smile.
"So tell us a bit about yourself Stacy." Sam told
"You know I would if I wanted to which I don't."
"Got any siblings?"
"I did." I told
"You get kicked out of the family or something?" Dean asked with a smile on his face.
"Yeah I got kicked out cause they couldn't handle all this." I told making them laugh.
'They aren't so bad. Still don't like them.'
My phone began to ring and I picked it up.

"(Y/n) I got the info you needed."
"Cool beans."

I looked over at the boys and saw they wanted me to put it on speaker. I rolled my eyes before putting it on speaker.

"Lay it on me (f/n)."
"Ok so you said the kid saw them as different colours."
"Yes. A blue, red, yellow and green."
"Ok so are you sure it's not just one person with a split personality type deal."
"That could actually help narrow down the list."

I threw a pillow at Sam which made him get a confused look as Dean laughed.

"Wait am I on speaker and are you not alone?"
"Yes. Please don't say my name they call me Stacy."
"Who the hell are you with?!"
"The Winchester's."
"The dudes you complained on hating and said you would stab your eyes out if you ever saw Dean again because of how annoying he was, and also who you would never work with again? Those Winchesters?"
"I'm not that bad am I?"
"I will punch you!"
"Why are you working with them again?"
"They showed up at the diner I'm working at and followed me in the car till I agreed to join them."
"Hi it's nice to meet you (f/n)."
"Which one was that?"
"That's Sam."
"Right. Well the kid also said they had really old clothes, so I can get started on looking for anyone who died from a few years ago to however for anyone with split personality."
"Cool cool. You are the best!"
"It's my job."

I hung the phone up and looked over at them.
"She does your research for you?" Sam asked
"Sometimes. She is quicker at it then me so I sometimes get her to help with me getting information."
"Well Sam is also the nerd of our duo."
"Haha, he also does research."
"Well I'm going to take the rest of my things and go to bed since I have a shift at 9am tomorrow. Night boys I hope the bed bugs actually bite you!" I told as I gathered my things and left.
'I wish they weren't slowly growing on me.'

The new Hunter in town.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant