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Thankfully when we got to (f/n) place, they were asleep. So I jumped the fence and opened the gate from the inside, so Dean could drive Baby in as quietly as he could. Once he was all the way in, they both jumped out and helped put the gate back to normal and lock it back up before Dean drove it to the barn and me and Sam rushed there to make the chances of us getting caught less likely to happen. Once everything was in place, we made our way to the house and snuck in to see she was actually asleep, since the whole house was dark.
"How the hell are we meant to set up in the dark?" Dean questioned making sure his voice didn't get higher then a whisper.
"Carefully." I stated as I set the bag down and we all began to quietly set everything up.

Thankfully the best part of coming here, she never suspects us to show up early in the morning, due to getting used to me showing up around midday. As well as the fact she sleeps in so much if she is given the chance. Surprisingly it didn't take long with the three of us working together we ended up finishing an hour ahead of when I usually finished when it was just me doing this. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long for (f/n) to began to head downstairs making us all hide. I used my hearing to listen out for when she entered the room me set up in and I gave Sam and Dean the count down with my fingers so they knew when to jump up.
'3.... 2.... 1.'
"Surprise!" We all exclaimed causing her to scream.
"Jesus Christ on a fucking bike!"
"Happy birthday!" We added as she clutched her chest.
"What are you three doing here so early?"
"Tradition. It's your birthday." I stated.
"My birthday?"
"My birthday is September 7th." she told.
"Uh (f/n)," Sam began making her look towards him. "It is September 7th."
"Yes." We all told.
"Wow. Guess it slipped my mind this year, because of someone being reckless." She told giving me a glare.
"We got you a gift." Dean told making me go to grab the wrapped gift for her.
"Always." I told before giving it to her.
She looked at the box before moving to the nearest chair and sitting down on it. She unwrapped the box and opened it to see the radio we had gotten for her.
"Ta da!" I added as she gave us a smile.
"Thank you. All three of you. I will add this to my collection, and you three can get to work on cake."
"I knew it felt weird we were finishing way earlier then usual." I told as she stood up and quickly ruffled my hair before going to put the radio in her office.
'This went well.'
"Do we even have ingredients for cake?" Dean asked.
"We are about to find out." I stated.
'There's still time for it to go wrong.'

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