Finding out.

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(Dean p.o.v)

We were woken up by (f/n) and she was sipping a coffee at the table in the kitchen when we walked in.
"Mornin'." She told.
"It's like 6am dude. Why are we in here?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes and Sam pushed his hair out of his face.
"I wanted to have a chat about what you boys know now." She explained.
"So how long did you know about her situation?" I asked
"I've known the whole time I've been friends with her. She came onto my property half dead and bloody. So I took her inside saw the fangs and ears but I didn't care. It doesn't matter if she is half or full or neither. She's a kind person. And if you boys ever think about killing her, I will kill you two because she is my family and I don't care who you are. I will not stop till you two are dead." She told as she held no expression on her face as she glared us down.
"Don't worry we won't." Sam told
"Where is she anyway? You did wake us up pretty early to tell us this did you?" I questioned.
"I woke you up for two reasons. One of them was to see what you thought of her and her other side."
"What's the second?" I asked
"She's pulled a runner half an hour ago. She took a random car she got to turn into parts, since it was fast. So I suggest if you really do love her, I would take your car and go after her. She's heading east and it looks like she isn't stopping."
"You didn't tell us when she was planning on doing it?!"
"If I had listened to her wants you two wouldn't know till the sun was rising. I'm telling you this now! So go after her if you actually do love her and show her that she is running for no reason!" She exclaimed making me get my keys and rush to Baby.
'Please let me reach her.'

I kept driving till I reached a cross road and I had no clue which way she went. I got out of baby and looked around to see if I could see anything only for there to be nothing.
"(Y/N)!" I exclaimed to hopefully get an answer only to be left with nothing but silence.
'Why would you run from us? Why?'

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