Men of Letters.

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((Y/n) p.o.v)

I woke up letting out a groan before doing a yawn that (f/n) has called my puppy yawn and looked around the room that looked like a mess.
'What the absolute fuck? God this room needs a fucken clean.'
I got out of bed and saw I was in my tank and shorts.
"Who the fuck changed me?" I whispered to myself before deciding I had more pressing matters to think of right now. "Where the fuck am I?"
I made my way to the door and opened it to see a long ass hall way. Despite horror movie and other logic, I decided to make my way out of the room and headed towards the voices. Once I got to some big room I saw a library looking area along with hearing the voices being a bit louder.
"For fuck sake was I kidnapped by a fucking cult?!" I exclaimed
I heard some laughter and then a voice I recognised.
"Seems she's awake now." Sam told
I walked over to see Sam and Dean relaxing and I gave them a confused look.
"Are you two in a fucken cult cause I'm out then?!" I told putting my hands up to note my surrender of not doing this.
"We aren't in a cult (y/n)." Dean told
"Then where are we, cause this looks like a place a cult would live in."
"We are at the men of letters base." Sam told
"Oh shit that's real?!"
"You've heard of it?" Dean asked
"Well yeah. (F/n) used to be from a long line of them. She only ever heard stories so we just assume it was just that."
"Guess you hitting her with the car was the best thing you could have done Dean." Sam told making me look at him
"Your the one who hit me with Baby?!"
"You ran onto the road!"
"Ever heard of breaks?!"
"I didn't have enough time to do so!"
"Oh likely story!" I shouted before remembering the room situation. "But where the hell was I sleeping?"
"That would be Deans room." Sam told
"It's a fucken pigsty! And pigs live cleaner then that I should know, I used to live on a farm!"
"It's not a pigsty!"
"Yes is it! Boy I can smell that room from here go clean it up!"
"Ok fine jeez. Bossy lady." He told as he stood up and walked past me.
"I'll show you a bossy lady by kicking your ass!" I told
"Oh I wish I hit you harder with Baby!"
"Go cry me a river!"
"Beer?" Sam asked making my attention go to him.
"Uh sure." I told as I quickly changed moods.
He tossed me a beer and I instantly caught it making him smirk.
"Good reflexes."
"Comes from my mums side of the family." I told before going to sit down across from him.
"Good trait."
"So when is your buddy ol pal coming to heal me?"
"He already did."
"Wait how?"
"He is an angel."
"Oh wow I've missed a lot over the last couple of hours."
"You haven't been asleep for a few hours. You've been asleep for about four days." He told
"Four days?!"
"Like full moon passed two days ago, four days?!"
"Yeah. Weird you know that."
"I don't do well on full moons. To do with family dying on one." I told before quickly realising. "Oh shit where's my phone?!"
"Dean has it charging next to you." He told
"I'll be back." I told before rushing back to where his room was.
I ran in to see Dean with a giant garbage bag and throwing things away. I rushed past him and grabbed my phone. I quickly called (f/n) and heard her pick up straight away.
"This better not be that guy I heard!"
"Uh no it's me."
"Where the hell have you been?! I thought you died and then someone picked up like a minute ago and it was a guy! Now your calling me and your not dead!"
"Hold on just one second."
I placed the phone down and grabbed the pillow I had been using and whacked Dean with it.
"You answered my phone?!"
"It was ringing."
"(F/n) is very paranoid and she doesn't know exactly what you sound like over the phone you dick!"
"How was I meant to know that?!"
"I'm gonna kill you!" I exclaimed before dropping the pillow and grabbing my phone.
"Ok I'm back." I told as I flipped Dean off and I began to make my way out of the room.
"You didn't show up at mine for the full moon. I was legit getting ready to torch this joint when I heard that guys voice."
"Yeah I can sorta explain the whole thing about it. The guy who answered my phone was Dean."
"No you need to hear me out on this one. I have been knocked out for the last four days."
"So you know that werewolf pack that's been after me for however long."
"Of course I do."
"So they found me and tried to kill me in the woods. I escaped and rushed outta there and ended up on the road. At the same time I was hit by a car."
"Someone hit you with a car?!"
"Not someone. Dean hit me with Baby."
"Your ok though right?"
"I am. They had a friend who healed me. Apparently angel."
"(Y/n) I don't want to sound stupid or anything. But didn't you have an ear situation ages ago and a teeth situation?"
"Oh fuck I completely forgot about that! I'll call you back."
"Better see you the next full moon or imma kick your arse."
I got off the phone and walked back to Deans room. Once I got there he was back to cleaning and I bit my bottom lip before remembering.
"Uh Dean can I ask you something?"
"Did you guys find my car and bag?"
"We found your car and Sam drove it back here. We then put your bag in the corner."
"Thank you." I told as I quickly went looking for my back up file.
'I know I put it in here.... Ah ha.'
"Found what you were looking for?"
"Yep." I told as I hid the file and grabbed the locket.
"You planning on running from us again?"
"No. Just had to make sure I still had my locket in my bag. Besides last time I had to get some place quickly since (f/n) texted me saying a group that was after me was close to town and that I needed to go."
I walked out of the room and made my way to somewhere far away from the others and found a mirror. I locked the door and moved my hair to see my ears were back to the way they were when I first wolfed out.
I placed my hair back to how it was so my ears were hidden and grabbed my file before I began to file away at my teeth.
'I gotta get outta here soon so (f/n) can help with the ear situation. Probably should leave when they are asleep. Less fighting that way.'
Once I was done with my teeth I grabbed my phone and called (f/n) again, as I slid down the door and rested on the ground.
"Hey it's me."
"What's wrong?"
"Well they are back to how they were."
"When am I going to have to do it again?"
"As soon as I can leave."
"Gonna get them to believe you aren't running off again?"
"Maybe. I'll find where they are keeping the car and go from there."
"Where are you anyway? I can't pinpoint your location."
"Makes sense. Apparently the Winchester's are now the owners of the Men of letters base."
"Shut the fuck up you can't be serious."
"Oh I am. They must have had like a family connection to it or something."
"And all this time I thought they were just stories."
"What am I meant to do (f/n)? Dean seemed really hurt when I ran off last time."
"You've run off countless times."
"I have. But I think each time I run off he thinks it'll be the last time he may see me....and I think that way as well."
"But they don't know."
"I know they don't. Am I doing the right thing? By running away from them?"
"What else can you do? They don't know about the secret and if they did who knows what could happen if they do."
"I'll see you when I've managed to shake them. They'll probably be wanting me to stay a bit to make sure I'm all good."
"The longer your there means the longer that they may find out."
"Yeah, I know."
"Also means the longer you spend with them the more you don't want to leave them."
"I know."
"And the more your connected to them and spend time with them, the more it will hurt if they find out."
"I know. I'll find where they keep the cars and run once I can."
"I will see ya soon kid."
"And if I don't it was good knowing ya."
"It really was."
She hung up the phone and I let out a sigh.
"Why did I have to get attached?" I asked myself as I rested my head against the door.

(Deans p.o.v)

I was leaning against the door as I heard her speak.
"I know. I'll find where they keep the cars and run once I can....... And if I don't it was good knowing ya." She told before I heard her let out a sigh before speaking to herself. "Why did I have to get attached?"
'I'm thinking the exact same thing babe. Guess I won't be telling you where we keep the cars.'

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