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(Third p.o.v)

As the boys fought against the Wendigo in its den a noise was heard behind them.
"Get down!" Someone shouted
They quickly dropped to the floor and someone came jumping down and quickly killed the wendigo. Leaving the boys safe from harm.
"You two can stand now." They told not looking.
We quickly got to their feet and Dean looked closer to see who they were.
"Thanks for the help." Sam told
"All these months and you two are still getting into trouble. Thought you boys would've learnt by now to be prepared for shit." They told as they went to make sure the wendigo was dead.
"Your talking like you know us." Dean stated making them chuckle.
"Come now oldie. You saying you don't recognise my voice? Hell agent smurf should have worked it out by now since, he is the smart one here." They told as they stood up and patted themselves down.
"Wait I recognise that voice." Sam told.
Deans eyes went wide when they turned around and he saw her face again.
"Good to see you boys as well." She said smiling towards them.

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