Not their names again.

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(Y/n) - your name.
(A/n) - agent name.
(F/p) - favourite pie.
(F/n) - friend name.
Text or calls look like "this"
Videos/ tv/ newspapers will look like "this"
I won't always do a p.o.v for who is who unless it changed so if it isn't mentioned at the start of the chapter then it's continued on from the last chapter.

(Y/n) P.O.V:
I was coming into my new motel room getting ready to get my new assignment done and dusted so I could go off to the next town. I sat on the couch to relax from the long drive when my stomach done it's impersonation of a whales call.
"Guess I need to go eat. Time to go eat I guess."
I got up and left heading to the closes dinner that I could find. I was able to find one a few blocks away from the motel. When I entered there were about ten other people who were eating there. I headed over to a booth and began to look at the menu to see what was there.
(What type of pies do they have. Haven't had a good one since Vegas. Jeez that was four months ago. Oooo (f/p). Gotta have that.)
While I was looking a waitress came over and asked what I would like. While I was telling her my order two guys came in and sat in the booth behind me. Once done she walked away and I began to read the newspaper I collected earlier.
(Could be a spirit. Haven't seen one for a while now. But it could also be a skin walker. I need to interview people as soon as possible.)
While I was thinking I was pulled out of thought by the two guys behind me. I was quick to change my position in the seat so I was able to see what they looked like without drawing suspicion.
"Could be a skinwalker or a demon collecting on souls." The tall on had said.
(Hunters. But who are these guys?)
"But why so many in the one place?" The smaller one had asked.
"Maybe one person told some and then that person told some and so on."
"We should ask around soon then Sammy."
(So the tall ones name is Sammy.... probably gets called Sam for short. So what is the small ones name?)
"There is just something off about this Dean. If it is a demon then why did they all do it one after the other?"
(And Dean was his name o'. Sam and Dean.... sounds familiar.)
When the waiter came back I asked for a to-go box and gave her a 50 for the food and drink. I walked out but was quick to glance at Sam and Dean to see what they looked like.
(Interesting. Dean is quite handsome.)
I left and headed back to where I was staying and called my connection to find out if they knew anyone called Sam or Dean.

"Hey (f/n). Just wondering if you could tell me something if you know about it."
"Sure. What do you want to know this time kid?"
"Do you know any hunters with the names Sam or Dean?"
"Oh you wanna know about the Winchesters....."
"Is that who they are. Well fecking fantastic."
"You don't sound pleased. What's going on over your end?"
"Well this new case I'm working on has apparently gotten the interest of the Winchesters as well."
"Makes sense. They have been doing this for a long time from what I know. Used to work with my old friend Bobby Singer if I recall."
"Shit. Thanks anyway (f/n). I'll call if I need any more information."
"Stay safe kid. If push comes to shove try to work with them. They could be a lot of help."
"Yeah yeah. Talk to you when I do."

I hung the phone up and continued my way to my motel feeling like someone was watching me.

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