What the hell happened here?

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I woke up to see it was about 1:30 pm making me get up and stretch.
'God, that noise did not make it easy to fall asleep.'
I got out of bed and began to make my way to the library, to see Sam drinking coffee also looking like hell.
"Dude, how long have you been up?" I asked making him look towards me quickly before going back to his cup.
"Like an hour."
"You look like hell."
"Every once in awhile I would hear a loud bang. Took me ages to get to sleep." He told
"I thought it was just me. What the hell was that noise?"
"I have no clue."
"You seen (y/n) yet?"
"Not since yesterday. Don't you usually check on her or something?"
"I just thought since it was so late she was already out here."
"She hasn't been here."
"Damn it." I told before heading back to where our rooms were.
Sam followed after me and I opened her door to see she hadn't slept there the night.
"Shit!" I said before running to the garage.
We rushed in to see her car was still parked there and I was confused.
"Where the hell is she?"
"I don't know. But she should be around here some where." He told before we left.
We went walking down the halls and soon came across a room. We looked at each other and I shrugged before going to turn the handle to feel it not unlocking.
"Where did we put the keys?" I asked as I turned to him as I didn't remove my hand from the handle.
"Don't think we have to go far for the keys." He stated before bending down and picking a key up.
"Worth a try." I told before taking it and placing it into the keyhole.
I turned it and we were both surprised that it unlocked the door.
"What are the odds?" Sam asked.
I turned the handle and opened the door to see (y/n) collapsed on the ground with the blankets around her. We quickly rushed in and I was quick to slide down so I could be able to check if she was ok quicker.
"Hey (y/n) wake up." I softly told her as I picked her upper half up to have her resting on me.
"Uh Dean. I think I found out what those banging noises were."
"Sam not now."
"No Dean. Just look around this room."
I looked up and followed his eye sight to see the room was covered with multiple dints.
"What the hell happened in here?"
"I don't know. But she obviously caused it."
"Dean look at her knuckles. They're from this."
I looked down at her hands to see he was correct.
'What the hell happened (y/n)?'
"Well we gotta get her healed. Cas! We need your help!"
"Hello again Sam and Dean."
"Cas we need you to heal her again."
"What happened?"
"We don't know." I told
"Was last night a full moon perhaps?"
"I think it might have been." Sam told
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Her family were killed on a full moon. So she gets mad at it." He told before walking over and healing her. "I suggest placing her back how she was and leaving."
"Don't be stupid."
"Trust me this is for the best. From what I know she isn't the best after mornings of full moons."
"You just want us to leave her here?"
"Till she wakes up yes."
"It might be best."
"Fine." I told quietly as I gently placed her back down and left the room.

((Y/n) p.o.v)

I woke up and saw I was still in the room but the door was cracked open.
'Wow, they came and saw before leaving. Hopefully they didn't see my ears.'
I looked at my knuckles to see they were healed and I brushed over them thinking they were going to start being itchy, only to not have that happen.
'Maybe their friend came and healed me again.... I should get to my room to file my teeth down.'
I got up and quietly made my way there, so I didn't have the boys find me before I could do what I needed to. Thankfully no one was waiting in my room for me, allowing me to sneak in and close the door behind me.
'Time to get this over with.'
Once I got them looking normal, I hide the file in my bad again and left my room to find the boys. I walked into Deans man cave to see he wasn't there.
'Maybe I can lure him and his brother here?'
I got the beers ready and began to play a random movie till the door opened, revealing the boys there.
"Hey. Sorry if I made you guys worried." I told
"We are just glad your ok." Dean told as he came over and messed my hair up a bit.
'This is nice..... but I need to escape soon.'

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