Who the hell are you?

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{Disclaimer: I know at the start I had it that it would be your last name as well. I have since decided to change it. Hope you still enjoy and like the last name.}

I drove down the path towards (f/n) place and Sam was holding a worried look.
"Dude, you're scaring me."
"Shut up."
"Did the Djinn hit on the head effect your memory that much your making up people that don't exist?"
"Look. I'm sure once we get to (f/n) place, all our questions will be answered." I explained.
"Right because this person actually exists."
"Just trust me. Something isn't right on this."
"Whatever dude. I'm just worried about you."
'I can feel something isn't right about this. I don't know what though.'

We soon arrived at her place and I got out of the car to open the gate since there was no way to talk to her out here. I got Sam to drive the car in before closing the gate behind us and jumped back into the drivers seat. I drove towards the barn to see it was extremely empty. I parked Baby in my usual spot and looked around to see it was mostly filled with boxes. I got out of the car with Sam reluctantly following after me as we walked towards the house.
"Dean. This place looks abandoned."
"It's just what she wants people to think. She lives a quiet life.... Should really get a butler to keep her company though."
We made our way into the house to see it looked exactly like it always did. We made our way through the house looking in each room for her only to come up empty. I made my way into the room Wolfie usually stayed in and open the only other door in this room to see it was a normal empty closet.
"Got anything?" I asked.
"I found a room filled with cameras." He told.
"Yeah that sounds like her." I told before I was hit in the knee making me fall to the ground. "The hell?!"
"Who the fuck are you?!" She asked making Sam rush to us and she pointed a gun towards him making him stop and didn't remove the bat aimed towards me. "Move closer and I blow your brains out."
"(F/n)! It's us! Sam and Dean!" I told making her give a confused look.
"Like the Winchester boys?!"
"Yes!" We both told.
"Did Bobby give you my location before he passed?" She asked lowering her weapons.
"You knew Bobby?" Sam asked.
"Kinda. We both helped Hunters, more so him then me. I'm the chick you contact when you need to get off the wanted lists. Now. Why are you boys here?"
"We're looking for (y/n)." I told making her tilt her head in confusion towards me.
"She comes here every month for a full moon. This is her room and the barn is usually where she keeps all her cars she uses." I explained as I stood up.
"Oh right." She told before turning to Sam. "Is he drunk or something?"
"I honestly have no clue at this point."
"I'm not insane or drunk. She comes here every full moon, and you give her check ups. She hates full moons because it reminds her off her parents death. And she stayed with us at the bunker and created that iron room full of dints. You call her kid and we surprised you for your birthday recently because of her always doing it for the last eight years you have known one another."
"Right. What ever you say crazy man."
"Your birthday is September 7th and she got you a little blue vintage radio, because you love vintage things. You own a typewriter that you create all first drafts on and you have a medical knowledge due to going through a medical course when you were younger only to discover your love of writing. You have a precaution in place incase someone you don't know answers a phone and that your last step is usually burning the place down and relocating."
"How.... How do you know all that?"
"Because we know you and (y/n). I don't know what's going on."
"Follow me." She told pushing past Sam.

"Ok. Here's the thing. I truely do not know why you know all this about me. All that I can suggest is.... You've entered an altered reality some how. One where this (y/n)...."
"I mostly call her Wolfie." I admitted making her give another confused look.
"Don't know. Just something I came up with for her."
"Ok. Anywho, a reality where this (y/n) either doesn't exist or just never entered this life that we did." She told as we walked into her office and she moved to sit behind the desk.
"Anyway we can find her?"
"Just give me a name and I should be able to find birth certificates and where she is living at the moment." She stated.
"(Y/n) Convel." I told making her search for her.
"Give me like half an hour." She told making us nod.
'Come on Wolfie. Where are you?'

The new Hunter in town.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora