Exploring the cabin.

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((Y/n) p.o.v)

I walked towards my room to see the boys were in the attic. I gave a shrug and headed up to see them just looking through stuff. I watched them for a little bit to see Dean get Sam's attention and throw the old clown doll we had towards him, causing the taller man to jump. I began to laugh at that and climbed up to join them and they looked towards me.
"This is strange. You have so many strange stuff." Dean told as he looked around like a child in a toy store.
"I suppose."
"Is this a complete mythology on werewolf's?" Sam asked as he held the book up.
"Uh, yep. It was my mothers." I told as he flicked through it.
"It's very detailed."
"Guessing that's not in the bunker."
"Not that I know of."
"Now what's this?" Dean asked making us look to see he held a mix tape I thought I destroyed.
"Oh no. That's nothing." I told as I went to get it from him only for him to keep it out of reach.
" I wanna see what it says. '(Y/n) mix tape of lovin'!'. Now I gotta listen to this."
"Give it!" I told as I jumped onto his back to try and get it.
"Not in the lovin' mood?" He joked before I got ahold of it and took it from him.
"Not with this." I sternly told before leaving.

I got the old Walkman that used to belong to Stacy and I put it in so I could listen to the tapes.

"My name is (Y/n) Convel. I am 21 and I am an orphan. I've moved out into the cabin since everyone is dead and I'd rather be alone if people suspect me as the one who did it all. Strangely as I get closer to hitting 22, I've been experiencing weird things. So I figured I'd keep this as a log of sorts, to keep track of everything. So I guess this is day 1 of doing that."

"Day 22: My nails have been growing very quickly. I have to keep trimming them every three days since they get super long and are at like an uncontrollable length. Also sharp which is weird. Oh well, guess that's all for now today."

"Day 43: So I went for a run and turns out I ran a whole mile in less then 20 minutes. And I wasn't even tired after doing so. It might be linked to my appetite that's grown a tad bit. Also been craving meat more. Must be from mums side since she did eat a lot of meat while she was alive. I should start keeping track of that so it doesn't reach unhealthy levels."

"Day 78: It feels like my teeth are growing more as time past. Can teeth change even if they are adults? Maybe it's linked to me just eating more meat so my teeth have adapted to that. Or I'm just a dumbass.... Knowning me it's the second one."

"Day 81: So um..... I don't even know what I saw myself. But uh..... even thinking it makes me feel insane. Fuck it. I might as well. So I was washing my hands to get ready to cook myself some dinner, when I looked into the mirror..... I of course was shocked to see my eyes were a golden yellow. *chuckles* I think I've reached a new low. I'm seeing things! I'm definitely loosing it."

"Day 84: So full moon is tonight. I have a feeling that after tonight, things are going to be getting better for me. I can't go anywhere but up."

It began to play a lot of crashing noises and I remembered what this was about.
"What is happening to me?!" I cried before I began to scream, and it flicked to a new recording.

"So I'm assuming this is a diary of sorts for the girl I found. She is a strange one..... who would want to hurt her? She seems harmless, despite appearing to be a werewolf who just finished a shift..... definitely not letting whoever was trying to kill her near here. I'm gonna make sure you are safe kid. Wether you want it or not..... oh! I accidentally turned it on. My bad. How the hell do I....."

'I feel stupid for not seeing it sooner.... But then again, I didn't know.'
I heard a gentle knock on my door making me stop the tape and put it in the draw next to my bed. I got up and opened the door to see Dean there.
"Sammy's gone to get burgers. I feel like he is just wanting to escape incase we begin to fight."
"Right." I told before I began to shut the door only for him to stop it.
"Look I'm sorry for upsetting you. What ever it was that I did to piss you off."
"Just leave me alone."
"What is with you?!" He asked walking in and shutting the door behind us.
"One minute we are bonding and then the next you want nothing to do with us!"
"Because I'm trying to protect you guys from me!"
"We can handle ourselves!"
"Can you?! What if you met someone and it turned out they were half a monster?! What would you do?!"
"Half monsters don't exist!"
"Humour me!"
"I don't know. Probably kill them if they've done something."
"Exactly you'd kill it! Like how I'm wanted dead because I'm a loose string!"
"We've told you we aren't letting that happen!"
"Oh you are so annoying!" I exclaimed towards him.
"I'm annoying?! I'm not the one who won't shut up!"
"Because I'm trying to drown out your stupidity!"
"Why can't you just shut up for once!"
"Pisses you off when I don't!"
"You are the worst!"
"Says you!"
"Just shut up for 2 seconds!"
"Make me!"
He looked me right in the eyes before storming over and taking my face in his hands before kissing me. I was shocked and once he pulled away I couldn't speak.
"There. You've shut up."
"Do it again." I told before realising what I said
"I said do it again." I told not being able to stop myself from doing to.
"You sure?"
I gave a nod and he quickly pulled me back to where I was moments before.
'Oh (f/n) is gonna be pissed but I do not care about that right now.'
I opened my eyes and looked behind me to see my nails were growing out making me pull away from Dean.
"You ok?"
"We shouldn't do this."
"We shouldn't do this. I'm wanted dead. And your you."
"Thanks." He sarcastically told.
"You know what I mean." I stated as I sat down onto my bed and he sat next to me while I looked at my floor and saw the faint claw marks that I hid under the rug.
"We can take it slow. Work towards it." He suggested.
"Your ok with that?" I asked looking towards him.
"Yeah. I am ok with working through this with you. Because you mean a lot to me and I don't want to lose you like I don't wanna lose Sam, and surprisingly don't wanna lose (f/n)."
"You are a peculiar human you know that." I pointed out as I began to smile.
"All the best ones are Baby." He admitted matching by my smile.
'Something bad is gonna happen. A full moon is soon and I have a bad gut feeling.......'

"A barn is where all is revealed."

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