Hello boys.

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((Y/n) p.o.v)

I was driving to where (f/n) said the boys were and called her.

"Ok so what's this case about?"
"Just some disappearances. How's the knuckles?"
"Bruised. It's fine, it'll be gone in a day or two."
"Why is it that cuts and bullet wounds heal over night yet bruises take longer?"
"I don't know man. Guess bruises are under the skin so it takes longer to heal then above. I have no clue how werewolf shit works."
"Your part werewolf!"
"Just cause I'm part Werewolf doesn't mean I know shit. You forget I had my first turn after my mother had died."
"You could still research."
"I don't think they will be able to explain why bruises stay longer then cuts and what not."
"Got a cover story for the boys?"
"Was boxing. Simple and no one asks questions."
"Simple. I like it. You should be nearing where they are staying."
"Yeah I already see Baby driving past me so imma follow. Talk later and if I don't then it was good knowing ya."
"Good knowing you as well kid."

She hung the phone up and I tossed it into the passenger seat before quickly turning my car around to follow the boys.
'Oh I hope they know it's me.'

(Deans p.o.v)

"Dude why did you just drive past our motel?"
"Because Sammy there's a car following us. I don't recognise it and I don't want them knowing where we are staying. So we are going to drive, fuel baby up and figure out who's following us." I told
"You don't think....." he began to ask only to stop.
"Think what Sammy?"
"Well, what if they are apart of one of the groups hunting (y/n) down and they figured out we are friends with her."
"If that's the case then we are going to make them back off and leave her alone."
I gave him a quick look to see him pulling a face, making me let out a sigh.
"What Sammy?"
"Just surprised you said that."
"I care for her. There's nothing wrong with caring for someone."
"I know. But, half the time you two hate each other."
"And the other half we don't. I just don't want her looking over her shoulder everywhere she goes. I saw how freaked she was and I don't want her feeling that anymore."
"Yeah I get that. When we had to hide she looked terrified before hiding it."
"Well if it's them, then hopefully we can put a stop to it." I told before pulling in to the gas station to fuel baby up.
I noticed the car pull in behind us and both me and Sam got out with our guns. We began to make our way to the car, and saw who ever was driving climb out as well. We stopped walking when we saw it was (y/n) but she continued to walk towards us.
"I have a feeling you boys didn't realise it was me driving."
"(Y/n)! I thought you weren't working cases for a bit." Sam told as he walked to her and gave her a hug.
"Yeah I got the clear to head out this morning." She told before they pulled apart.
"What happened to the other car you hated?" I asked as I went and gave her a hug as well.
"Oh I destroyed that piece of crap the first night at (f/n)." She told as we pulled away and then leaned against the front of her car. "This baby of mine is one of my recent purchases they just came yesterday.
Meet my vintage Chevrolet Camaro. Somewhat hard but worth it in the end."
"She is a beaut. May I?"
"Go right ahead." She told as she tossed the keys towards me.
I quickly caught them and rushed to the drivers seat turning the engine on and hearing it come to life making me smile.
"You gotta let me take her for a spin Wolfie!"
"For starters, I hate that nickname. And second of all, not a chance."
I turned it off and hopped out before tossing the keys back to her.
"I thought you weren't able to drive your own cars?" Sam asked
"Yeah but they don't know about this one. And thank god, because I've missed driving my own babies. If anything were to happen to them I would kill everyone who did it and then resurrect them, only to kill them again."
"Isn't the saying usually I'll kill everyone and then myself?" I asked
"Death is not something I like to think about.... or more so the thought of where I will end up." She told before clasping her hands together. "So, what's the case?"
'Glad she's back.'

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