See ya never dweebs.

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I punched the last child with the completely black eyes and looked over at the boys to see them shocked.
"What?! The demon offspring scared the hell out of me."
"We have a crazy girl on our hands." Dean told not removing the shocked look from his face.
"I will hit you again."
"Let's just find the girl and go. I don't think they will kidnap anymore children after this." Sam told as he made his way into the last room we hadn't checked.
We walked in and I could hear a girl crying. I made the boys stay silent but couldn't work out why she sounded close but wasn't in the small room.
'She sounds like she is in here with us but isn't.....unless.'
I quickly dropped to the ground and placed my ear against the wood and began to listen for her heart beat since the crying stopped. I kept moving around till I could strongly hear her heart beat. I moved a good distance away knowing that she could get hurt if I wasn't safe and grabbed the crowbar Sam found. I stood up and quickly began to hit the wood with enough force that the wood came apart easily. I popped my head in and turned towards her shining a light so she could tell I wasn't one of the evil devil spawns.
"Hi. I'm (y/n) and you must be Abigail. Me and two dumb boys have came to rescue you and return you to your family." I told giving her a smile.
She gave a nod and made her way over to me. Once she was close enough I took my head out and placed my hand down there to help drag her up. Once she was free from the place I picked her up incase we needed to run. She looked over at the boys and was silent for a few seconds till she spoke.
"Dumb boys."
I laughed as I began to leave the room. We made our way back through the building and I was stopped by Sam.
"Hey. Where is your car?"
"Back at the motel. I preferred walking here since the motel isn't far."
"How about we give you a ride? That way it'll be quicker to get her home."
"I did not agree to this!" Dean shouted as he stood near their car.
"Alright but I call shotgun."
"You doing this to piss him off aren't you." Sam stated as we made our way over to Dean.
"Yep....." I stopped in my tracks when I saw the car. "Where the hell did you get a 1967 Chevy Impala? I've been looking for one for the past two years."
"It belonged to our dad." Sam told before opening the door for me.
I made my way in at sat in the front to see Dean annoyed in the drivers seat.
'Obviously didn't want me in here. Hang on....'
"Why the hell is there a stuck army men in the ashtray?!"
"I got it stuck when I was young." Sam told form the back as he played with Abigail to make her happy again. "Dean also put some LEGO pieces in the vents." He told.
"You guys want to destroy this magnificent girl or what?!"
"Did she really have to come along?" Dean asked.
"Yes. She could be of some use I mean she was able to find Abigail."
"How did you do that?" Dean asked.
"There was no way for her to be in the roof and there was no closet for them to stash her in." I told as I went through there CD options.
"What are you doing?"
"Seeing what you got. I have a rule in my car that the person driving gets to pick the music while everyone can shut their mouth. Oh nice you've got AC/DC, the Rolling Stones, Kenny way you've got Steppenwolf!"
"You know these people?"
"Well yeah. I grew up to listening to all these people cause my dad....." I cut myself off when I remembered about how much I missed him. "My dad would always listen to them. Said that your never too young to listen to the legends."
I became silent after that and we made our way back to where Abigail lived. I picked her up and returned her straight to her mother. Before she could say thank you to me I quickly made my way back to the car.
"You ok?" Sam asked as he still sat in the back.
"Yeah. Im just hungry that's all. You can drop me off at the diner. I can make my way back to the motel from there after I get food." I told.
We made our way to the dinner and I got out of the car making my way to the front door when I heard more car doors slam shut. I turned around to see Sam and Dean walking up behind me.
"What the hell are you two doing?"
"We are getting food as well."
"Yeah thought we could have a victory meal together." Sam told as he smiled down at me.
"Whatever. Your paying." I told before I continued to make my way inside.
We ended up being sat at one of the booths in the corner and I just fiddled with my ring as they looked at the menu.
"How come your not looking at the menu?"
"Cause I already know what I'm gonna get. A double bacon and cheese deluxe with a Mac and cheese centre. I heard it's to die for." I told
Sam began to smirk which made me raise an eyebrow to him.
"What to smirking about bean poll?"
"Dean is getting the same thing." He told.
"Well he has a good taste then." I told before looking at the menu to see home made cherry pie.
The waitress came over and gave us a smile.
"What can I get for you all?"
"I would like a coke, the double bacon and cheese deluxe with the Mac and cheese centre and a cherry pie for the desert please." I told giving her a kind smile back.
"And you boys?"
"I'll have the same as her." Dean told trying to hide his shocked face.
"I'll have just the hamburger with cheese please with coke as well." Sam told.
"Coming right up." She told before walking away.
"You like pie?" Dean asked shocked.
"Of course I like pie. One time my sister got me cake and went it's close enough. But it's definitely isn't and now I want some cake." I told
'Maybe they aren't so bad after all.'

I carried the to-go box and began to make my way to the motel when Sam called out for me.
"We can drop you off at the motel." He told.
"I'm fine with walking."
"It's seriously isn't out of our way. We are also staying the same place as you. So come on and get in." He told.
I made my way back into the car sitting in the back this time when I heard the start of born to be wild playing. I looked in the review mirror to see Dean looking at me before looking away.
'Did he put this song on for me?'
We soon made it to the motel and I went into my room and collected all my things. I made my way to the reception to seen Dean there with his key.
"Great, I thought I would have to see you so soon."
"Haha. What's with you not liking us anyway?"
"Do I really need to say? It's cause you two have nearly destroyed the world countless times and frankly you are a massive wanker." I told
He wasn't able to reply back when the owner came to collect our keys and got us to pay. I placed about 200 dollars onto the counter before I made my way out. Dean quickly followed suit and stopped me as Sam made his way over to us.
"Before you go Sam wanted to ask you something."'
"We were wondering if you wanted to come join us. Since we worked well back at the old mill."
"Yeah na. Well hope to see you never boys and if I do it wasn't long enough." I told before making my way to my 1976 Jaguar.
"That's your car?!" Dean shouted.
"And she purrs like a beaut. So long boys!" I shouted before I quickly drove off.
'Really hope I don't see them again.'

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