Bonding over fixing a car.

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I was following Wolfie all over town despite what Sammy said I should do.

"Dean you can't just follow the girl around! You will get arrested!"
"I'm not going to get arrested! Cause Wolfie won't call the cops in on me." I explained before leaving.

'What is going on?'
I decided to eat some of the food I got as night began to fall and she continued to work away on a car in the garage when I got an idea.
'If she is a mechanic..... then I guess Baby needs to get some help. I am so sorry for doing this Baby.'
I got out of her and got what Bobby stole ages ago and hid it in the car, before also undoing some other parts just incase she had a quick fix.
'I'm hoping this works.'
I went back into Baby and tried to start her only for it to not work like I planned. I began to do a whole act and soon enough I heard a voice.
"You good mate?" She asked making me look to see Wolfie there in her work uniform.
"Took a nap in my car and now she won't start." I simply told.
She gave a nod and looked around before turning back to me.
"We can push her into the garage. Good thing your car stopped working across from the best mechanic in town." She told making me smile.
"Good thing indeed."

She opened up the hood to look in and began to work away.
"So what got you into this line of work?" I questioned.
"I like fixin' cars. They are the one thing to always be reliable on, cause 9 times outta 10, they are always fixable." She explained.
"That makes a lot of sense actually."
"Your car is a beauty though. I've always wanted an impala."
"Hell yeah. Love me a vintage car."
"You know what car I'd love to drive?"
"A vintage mustang." I told recalling her car collection.
"You pulling my leg?"
"No. Why?"
"Because that's my car."
"Get outta here!"
"I'm serious!" She told as we chuckled.
"I'm Dean."
"Yeah I remember."
"Yep. Like how I know you've been kinda following me and you messed with your car to get me to talk ti you." She explained making me pull a regretful look.
"You knew?"
"Yeah. I just don't know why though."
"You remind me a lot of a friend of mine. She's kinda missing at the moment."
"I'm sorry to hear that. It's never easy loosing someone close, I should know. My sister passed away in a hit and run."
"I was a kid when it happened. So I've grown to accept it." She explained as she worked to put baby back in order.
"With my friend. She was with use and then I wake up the next day and no one but me remembers her.... I'm just worried something bad has happened. Something supernatural you know."
"I guess that does sound supernatural like. But supernatural things don't exist. One good thing about this town I suppose. Nothing bad ever happens, really. Unless it's the bull statue we have. Still don't know who did that."
"You had a bull statue?"
"No we still have him. He just had giant nuts that someone stole." She explained with a shrug.
'That's a shame." I told.
"It was and still is."
'This is strange.'
"So if you knew this was a trick, why did you still decide to help me?" I asked.
"You just seem lonely. Like everything is wrong in your world."
"I suppose it is."
My phone began to ring making me pick it up and move away since I figured it was Sam.
"Hey Dean. When are you coming home?" The chick asked making me try and think on why I recognise the voice.
"Sorry. Who's this?" I asked making her chuckle.
"It's Lisa. Have you had too many tonight or something?"
'What the hell is going on?!'

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