Another case another meeting.

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After staying on the down low for a few weeks and another being locked in a metal room for the night I was able to work on another case. Some state has been experiencing some strange occurrences of people getting into some of the unluckiest deaths I have ever heard.

"Dude this car sucks."
"Yeah well all your other ones are on a no use for awhile. Besides let's focus on this case."
"Unlucky deaths. Is it like some final destination crap?"
"Somewhat. All the places has a unusual smell to them."
"How so?"
"Don't know it doesn't say. But so far there have been three deaths."

I pulled into the hotel of the place I was meant to be staying at and let out a sigh.

"So what are we thinking. Demon or Witch?"
"Hard to say. Could be either."
"I hope it's not a witch. I hate them so much."
"Yeah well they are apart of the job."

Before I could say anything there was a tap on my window making me turn to see Dean.

"Oh for fuck sake! Are you kidding me!"
"What?! What's happening?!"
"Guess the Winchester's are also working this case."

The doors to the car opened and Sam sat next to me while Dean went into the back.

"That was quick."
"Yeah well now they are in this shitty car. I'm gonna use it for scraps just so you know."
"Do not bring the stolen car back to my place!"
"Oh no what are you gonna do?! Well I gotta go and deal with this situation."
"Just be safe. I'll update you if I find out anything or if those groups are near again."
"Will do."

I hung up the phone before turning in my seat to look at them.
"You boys stalking me?"
"No we just pulled up next to you and Dean recognised you."
"Why do you have this car anyway? What happened to your other one?"
"I had to steal this car since I'm out on a no using my other ones for awhile. So what do you guys want now?"
"Well for starters we are glad to see you are fine from what happened a few weeks ago." Sam told with a smile.
"Yeah well I got out of town quick."
"Should we get something to eat? We can talk over the case over food." Dean told
"Know a place?" I asked making him smirk.
"Yeah we saw a fast food place down the street." He told
"Alright then let's go. Definitely walking and not talking this shitty car." I told as I got out as they followed after me.
We made our way to the fast food place and got settled with our food in a booth after we got it. I began to eat the chips when Sam spoke.
"So did you and (f/n) think of anything, Stacy?"
"We are thinking either demons or Witches. And I am hoping it ain't Witches cause they are pricks."
"I mean all supernatural things are pricks. Like vampires, skin walkers and werewolves just to name a few." Dean told before he shoved more food in his mouth.
"Especially when they kill families and what not." I told
"Let's finish these meals and head back to the hotel so we can question people." Sam told
"I'll definitely finish before Dean." I told making his narrow his eyes at me
"No way you can beat me." He told making me smile
"Oh it is so on boy." I told making him smile as well and Sam shake his head.

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