Back to the real world.

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"Dean! Hey wake up Dean!" (Y/n) and Sam exclaimed as I began to wake up.
"(Y/n)? Sammy?"
"You ok?" (Y/n) asked
"God damn Djinn."
"Yeah he seems alright." Sam told
"Close to dying but alright I guess. Let's get him down." She told making him nod.
"Get the Djinn!"
"Oh will you shut up Shorty. I've already dealt with it."
"That's my girl."
"I ain't anything of yours."
Sam finally cut the rope and I fell forward with (y/n) catching me.
"Alright lazy bones, lets get you back to the motel. And I'll get you a burger." She told.
"That sounds so good."
"I know right." She told making me chuckle.

I was resting on the bed I was forced to share with Wolfie and Sam was sitting at the chair that he brought over, and Wolfie was getting the food.
"So what was the wish this time?" He asked.
"Maybe for (y/n) to not have lost her family. I don't know man, I could never work it out."
"So what made you leave it this time?"
"Really, it was her."
"She made you leave?"
"Her not knowing me made me want to leave. She tried to get me to stay by going on and saying we could be happy there."
"So why didn't you?"
"Because I knew it wasn't really her. Especially the reason she uses Stacy. I tricked the Djinn by thinking it was cause she had her first kiss while watching silence of the lambs."
"And that worked?"
"Oh yeah. She also kissed me to try to get me to stay. It was weird."
"You gonna tell her this?"
"I'll probably not."
The door opened shortly after and (y/n) was holding the food.
"Who's your favourite gal?"
"When you have food. Obviously you wolfie."
"I hate that nickname you made me."
"No you don't." I told making her roll her eyes and make her way over to us. "So I've been curious. Why do you use the name Stacy?"
"It's my older sisters name." She confessed as she began to get the food out of the bag to give to us.
"Turns out you asking fake (y/n) was the best idea you had Dean." Sam told as he got the food off of her before she sat down next to me on the bed.
"I asked the you from my weird dream world why you picked that name. You said it was because you had your first kiss while watching silence of the lambs." I explained.
"I had my first kiss in the bushes behind my school in 6th grade. Her name was Missy and she used a lot of teeth. Also made me learn I was not really into chicks."
"Well this is news to us." I told
"Yeah. Any way, if you get into a situation like that again I'll kick your arse."
"I know you will Wolfie."
"Shorty." She told making us smile.
'I wouldn't trade her for the world.'

I was watching tv and (y/n) stirred in her sleep. I looked down at her and a small smile grew on my face. I rested my hand on her thigh before looking back up to the tv.
"Why are you still up?" She asked
"Guess after the sleep world I've just not been tired yet. Go back to sleep though it's fine."
"I'm up now. Might as well keep you some company." She told as she sat up and gave a yawn.
"When you leaving?"
"What's the date?"
"Think it's the 7th."
"In the morning. Gotta be at (f/n) place before the day after tomorrow night."
"Why do you run off for a bit?"
"(F/n), likes giving me check ups and what not. So what we watching?"
"Nothing interesting." I told as I placed an arm around her.
"So how come you won't tell me what happen in your dream world?"
"Nothing important."
"Dean. I can tell your lying."
"The you in the other world didn't know me. And then when you finally decide to help me I had to kinda tell you what our relationship was. Called her wolfie, she didn't call me shorty back. Told her about it and she said but your taller then me. Just knew after that, I didn't want to stay there."
"So what's our relationship in your eyes?"
"Just two people who like being around one another."
"Ah. So how was the kiss?"
"You heard that?"
"Yeah. I may have been outside the door when you said that."
"It was weird. Sorta what sealed the deal."
"Thanks.... I guess." She told as she gave a small chuckle.
It was silent between us for a bit till I spoke up.
"You know I love you right?"
"All arguments and what not pushed aside. You know I love ya, right?"
"Yeah I kinda figured that. I mean we are friends and people love their friends."
"Yeah. Just wanted to make sure you knew it since I was probably touch and go for a bit."
"I love ya two dumbass."
'Good to be back.'

Once morning came I was woken up by being flicked in the ear.
"What the hell man?"
"I told ya the ear is a good wake up call Sam." She told as she stood up right again and I saw Sam was standing next to her.
"Guess I'm out of a twenty." He stated as he gave it to her.
"You guys made a bet on me?" I asked as I sat up.
"Figured why not. But I'm off so get up." She told before going to work on her things.
"It's early isn't it?"
"(F/n) place is awhile away so yeah."
I got out of bed and got my things ready so we can go as soon as well and grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. Once I walked out her things were gone along with Sams. I put my pjs in the bag and grabbed the rest of my things before heading out to see (y/n) resting on the hood of her car.
"Thought you left already." I told once I neared.
"Was planning on it, but then thought it'd be more fun to see your face in my dust."
"Very funny."
"Oh you enjoy my company." She told with a smile before her phone began to ring, making her pick it up.
'Most likely is (f/n).'
"You got the money, we got the bunnies."
'Or not.'
"Bunnies?" I asked Sam only for him to shrug back.
"It's a kink some people have, I don't know." She told before going back to her call. "Yes I will be there before tomorrow night..... we are just about to say see ya later and then I was gonna head to yours..... yeah I'll call when I'm close to yours. See ya when I see ya, and if I don't it was good knowing ya."
"Gotta go?" Sam asked and she gave a nod.
"Yeah I gotta. She'll kick my arse if I don't. I'll see ya when I see you boys next." She told as she jumped off the hood.
She gave Sam a hug before turning to me and giving a hug as well.
"Be safe now." I told once we separated.
"Always. You boys better be safe or I'll punch you." She told before jumping into her car.
We waved her off as she drove off. Once she was out of eye sight I turned to baby to put my bags away.
"You know, she is a deep sleeper." Sam told
"Well I thought you would enjoy the photo I took of you two sleeping."
I turned around to see him holding his phone out and it showed a picture of us hugging one another while we slept.
"You should delete that before she finds out and kills you for it."
"Yeah I should."
'I can't wait for the next case we work with her.'

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