Had to be this night.

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Turns out there was a case in town and it took longer then we all expected. Thankfully though, we were close to (f/n) place so I'd be able to get there before the moon rises.
"(Y/n), you don't have to leave. We can protect each other." Dean told as he leaned against my car as I got my things sorted in the trunk of my car, since we were on the side of the road.
"Sorry Dean. I gotta get back to (f/n) before nightfall."
"Better be safe then."
"Your the ones that need to be safe. Don't need you two dying on me now."
Before I could get into my car to drive away another car pulled up and began to shoot at us. Dean was quick to tackle me to the other side of my car as Sam began to shoot back at them. The car quickly drove off and Sam rushed over to us.
"You ok (y/n)?" Dean asked
"Yeah wasn't hit."
"That's good." He told before rolling over.
I looked down at him to see red was beginning to show on his shirt.
"Oh my god Dean you were shot!"
"Yeah I know."
"Sam help me get Dean into baby!" I shouted as I began to pull him up.
Sam quickly helped me get him into the back and I quickly rushed to the drivers seat after I collected my things from the car that was just shot at.
"Sam put pressure onto the wound and give me the keys."
"(Y/n) I'll be fine!"
"Dean you were hit because of me! Now give me the fucken keys or I'll punch you so I can get them from your knocked out body!"
"Love a girl with a temper." He told before grabbing the keys and tossing them to me.
"(Y/n) where are we going?!"
"I know a chick who won't ask questions." I told before I floored it.
'Of all nights it had to be tonight.'

We soon made it to the house and I got the window down as I got near the speaker and buzzed it so she knew I was here.
"(Y/n)?! What the hell we only have four hours till night?!" She exclaimed
"(F/n) can you please let me in I will explain everything!"
"Who's car is that?!"
"Please now is not the time! Grab all the medical shit you have as well!"
"Better have a good reason for this."
The gate began to open and I sped through to the barn and parked before quickly rushing out to help Sam get Dean out of the car. I quickly put a tarp on the car to help protect her and I helped rush dean into the house.
(F/n) came from upstairs and I could see she was confused on the situation.
"What happened?!"
"One of the groups tracked me down and Dean got shot protecting me. Can you help him? Please (f/n)."
"Get him into the medical room now!"
"Thank you." We both told and we began to get him to the room.
'Please make it.'

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