Unforeseen problems

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'Hope she's still not too mad. Guess I'm still upset at the stunt she pulled last case. Maybe if I just tell her I do want to get to know her more might help.....or not.'
I walked to her room and gave a light knock only for it to swing open slightly. I looked towards the frame to see it was destroyed. I grabbed my gun and slowly walked in checking the room to see it was destroyed.
'How did we not hear anything?!'
I looked towards the window to see there was blood making me rush back to the room I shared with Sam.
"Sammy!" I exclaimed as I rushed in.
"What? (Y/n) didn't accept your apology?" He joked as he smirked.
"She was taken." I told making him rush up.
We rushed back to her room and he saw what I had stumbled upon.
'I hope we don't lose her.'

((Y/n) p.o.v)

I rested in the chair that I was tied to with rope, since I didn't care about anything at the moment.
'Maybe this will be how I die..... guess I can figure out where I'm destined to be for the rest of my death life.'
"You are so boring." He told making me raise an eyebrow at him.
"Sorry I'm not more entertaining for you. Would you like me to start begging for you to not murder me?"
"Not if you don't mean it."
"Are all werewolves like this? Cause that seems like there's a memo I'm missing."
"Dumbass! This shit won't work on me!"
"If it doesn't work on you then why are you still here?"
"Because I'm pissed off at Dean Winchester, so an hour or somethin' here does me good, cools me fucken down. I try not to argue with him since we are friends and it just hurts arguing at this point with how close we've gotten." I told giving a shrug.
"Dean Winchester?"
"Yeah. I'm a hunter fucker." I stated making a smile grow on his face.
"So to hurt you..... I just gotta hurt them." He told
I just stared daggers towards him as I pulled at the restraints making him laugh.
"So the Winchesters is what gets you all worked up! Good luck getting out of them." He told as he laughed.
Though that soon ended when the ropes began to snap. I quickly kicked him in the head making him stumble backwards and I grabbed the chair, breaking it against him.
"What the hell are you?!"
"I'm a crime against the universe we'll say."
"Now this is fun! And after I kill you, I'm going to kill those boys you care for!" He exclaimed as he rushed towards me.
I quickly dodged his attack, but grabbed him and spun before letting him go. He went crashing through the wall and into the field that was there. I went rushing out and began to make my way towards him, allowing my nails to slowly grow as well as had my eyes changed to the golden yellow they were common to changing to when it became a full moon.
"I don't care what you do to me! But I will not let you lay a single hand on those boys!"
"WOLFIE!" Dean exclaimed making me look to see them rushing towards me.
I blinked my eye colour back to normal and made my nails go back to normal so they didn't know.
'Sam?! Dean?!'
"(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" They both exclaimed making me turn just as he punched me, which sent me flying through the barn.
'Fuck! I can't fight back with all my strength if their here or they'll find out!..... would it truely be so bad if they did?.....

"....Why would you have mixed feels about mangy mutts who eat hearts? Their nothing but monsters."

.....He'll kill me once he finds out. Why does that hurt me so much when I knew I would never be able to?'
"Seems like you've given up." He told as he walked towards me.
"Just kill me."
"Kill me. I'm not going to fight."
"This some trick?"
"No. I would rather die."
"They don't know."
"Know what?"
"They don't know, that your like me."
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"That's why you would rather death?! Because of them?!"
'As long as they don't die.... I can die peacefully.'
"I'm going to make this pain much much for you."
'This won't be good.'

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