S1: 6: Neko

511 33 4

A: heyya, author nim here! Sorry for the late update. This chap was deleted without me knowing so I had to rewrite everything.

Second update A: Ummm...sorry so much for delaying for almost a month. I'll try to update frequent so it will get to the current chap. I am really sorry ㅠㅠ. Hope you guys enjoy.


"The reason I held this emergency meeting is because..." He sighed slightly.

"Your friend has turned into a cat"

Minho lifted the grey cat that was on the table. The grey Birman cat looked at them and sighed too.

"Pfft," Seohyun blurted.

Seohyun tried to hold her laughter but it was fruitless. Seohyun bursts into laughter and the rest joined her. Chan is the only one who smiled, knowingly what situation she was in.

Minho put Yeona down on the table and proceed to sit down on his luxurious chair.

"Awww you look so fluffy I wanna pat you," Seohyun said as she moves closer to Yeona

"Meeeowww!!" Yeona hissed as she moves farther from Seohyun.

Seohyun stepped back, surprised by the sudden hiss.

"She said, 'Don't! You're allergic to cats!'" Minho translated

Seohyun turned to Minho, bewildered by what he said. Areum did too.

"Did you just...." Seohyun was lost of words.

Minho just looked at her blankly, not trying to explain anything to the queer girls.

"Minho had learned cat language to strengthen the relationship of GreyLeeKnow with the Cat Kingdom" Chan explained on Minho's behalf.

Seohyun replied with an 'Oh' as she looked at Minho with an impressed look.

"Ok, I need to admit, this dimension is getting better and better" Areum complimented with sparkling eyes.

"Anyway, how did she became... A cat?" Hyunjin asked as he eyed the cat.

Minho sighed once again.

"We were preparing for our monthly meeting with the royal knights when the cat king decided to come unannounced" He started the story.

"Yeona didn't know he was the cat king, thus proceeded to pat him. The personal assistant was furious and didn't hesitate to curse her into a cat" Minho continued.

"Meeoooow" Yeona wailed in agony.

"Is there any way we could break the curse?" Seohyun asked

Minho was going to speak but was cut off by Areum.

"True loves kiss?" She asked

The boys looked at her weirdly as if she said something unbelievable. Areum gave a dumbfounded look.

"Hmmm... That's how we break curses in our fairytale..." Areum explained. Seohyun nodded in agreement.

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