S4: 6: Little Miss Bully

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"I did what I thought could save me," she said as her body trembled.

The enchantress let go of her teacup, letting it float by her side. She looked at Seohyun with a serious glare. Her hand clasped together.

"You did what?" She questioned her. This time her tone was serious unlike before.

Seohyun laughed bitterly once again. She still can't believe the devil she was. The devil she thinks she was.

"I joined a group of well-known bullies in my school. It helped the rumours to stop because everyone feared them," she looked hopeless now remembering the very first mistake she regretted so much.

"I watch them every day bullying those poor students. The students beg me with their eyes for help...but I just looked away and brushed it off like it was a speck of dust," she laughed bitterly, trying to hide the pain in her heart that was slowly rising.

Seohyun went quiet. She closed her eyes as the image of the next event appeared vividly in her mind.

"One day, they told me, if I was going to stay with them, I need to bully someone like they always do. I..." her voice trailed off as she opens her eyes.

Gently, she inhaled deeply. Numbness soon seeped in to overcome the aching pain inside her heart. There's only so much pain a human can experience one at a time.

"I bullied her just like they ask me to," she didn't mumble nor whispered but her voice wasn't even loud enough to be heard by anyone.

With her hand swift in the air, ordering the teacup to fill up once again the lady watched her silently. Her aura has changed completely. It wasn't the girl she saw that night.

"Who?" She asked

Seohyun gulped her saliva. All of the sudden, her throat is dry. She felt like she can't speak.

"A girl whom I had known since I was young. We weren't that close but we just know each other and just clicked anytime we're together," she started explaining.

"She was...different from everyone. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Sweet smile. Cute laugh. She was beautiful and polite... Laura was her name," she described the girl as she smiles remembering their own little memories together.

"She baked too! Just a cute lovely girl, but that was the reason why the bullies hated her so much. She was "too girly" or "too feminine" for them. Sometimes they even said she was just seeking attention from everyone; which she's not," Seohyun sighed as she rubs her aching head.

"It started with verbal abuse, then turned into a physical one. Mocking turned into dumping garbage water on her and the worst one I have ever done was I pushed her down the stairs after she tried offering me some biscuits," her voice slowly got quieter.

Seohyun went silent once again. She could see the memories playing in her head. She was pushing her down the stairs and the feared look she gave her made her shiver. Seohyun hugged herself as she shut her eyelids tightly, hoping the image would go away.

"Well,..." The Enchantress finally spoke.

She lets go of the teacup that she had been drinking from while Seohyun was telling her story.

"The mind can be quite mysterious sometimes...They love to play tricks. Honestly, this wasn't your real memory was it?" She asked as she eyed the girl.

Seohyun looked at her with a confused look. Her eyes widen as it shifts to remember everything.

"It happened! Everything I told you!" She screamed a little, disbelief in her voice.

"Well, yes, it is true. Most of it. Your mind seemed to alter your memories due to the recent events, hasn't it?" She questioned her again.

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