S3: 9: Secret ball

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"And that's how the curse is broken" Seohyun shared everything with Chan as they finally arrived at Christark.

"I wished she met me too. I have so many things to tell her and I want to apologise to her" Chan said while pouting a bit. Seohyun gently puts her hand on his shoulder. Chan looked at Seohyun with a comforting smile.

"I'm sure she wants to meet you too. Give her some time," Seohyun tried to comfort him while gently patting him. He gestured for them to start heading back to the castle.

As they walked through the garden, Seohyun kept moving sideways, playing with her dress a bit. She liked how her dress swayed every time she move. It was a shame she couldn't see her dress swaying beautifully while dancing at the ball.

All the hard work practising the dance was all fruitless. In the end, she didn't get to use it nor enjoy the ball she was anticipating these past weeks. Though, she was relieved. She was relieved she could talk to Eunji privately. She wonders will they ever meet again before she goes back to her real world.


That word stings a bit somehow. As if she just remembered she didn't belong here and yet she felt she had lived here all of her life. Even if she wanted to go back, she can't. Her only way out is now resting in peace.

She starts fidgeting with her dress while continuing to sway side to side. Chan who had silently been watching her wondered what she was thinking. He noticed how she kept swaying her dress. She must be a bit disappointed for not being able to fully enjoy the ball. He assumed.

In his thoughts, an idea sparks. He grinned to himself, thinking it might help the girl cheer up. He nudged her softly. Seohyun stopped everything and focus her attention on him.

"Meet me at the back of the castle in 1 hour," he said before running away from her.

Her jaw dropped slightly as her question remained in her mind. She watches his body fades away slowly into the night. Accompanied by the moon, she continues walking while wondering about his secret plan.

Consumed by her thoughts, she didn't realize she was in the castle already. A guard who was patrolling walked passed her. His eyes however linger at her before disappearing into the corner. She felt a sudden shiver running through her body. Seohyun turned around to where the guard had disappeared.

She stared, waiting if the guard would come back. Alas, she knew, he won't. She inhaled deeply, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. A sense of danger or familiarity?


"Sorry, am I late?" Seohyun asked while slowing down her pace.

She had a bit of struggle navigating which way leads to the back of the castle.

"No, you're just in time," Chan said as he turn to face her.

The moon shined brightly behind his silhouette. His famous soft smile radiates like the moon. He had changed his attire to a black tuxedo, highlighting his well-built figure. Seohyun stared at him in awe for a moment before snapping out. She mentally slaps herself.

"Shall we go?" He asked.

Chan extended his hand to Seohyun. Gently, she accepted the invitation. As Chan leads the way, Seohyun's eyes wandered around.

There was a path leading into a forest. Unlike the Dark forest, this forest felt lively and comforting. A firefly flew in front of Seohyun. She watched it fly towards a group of fireflies that lit up the pathway. She felt as if she was in a fairytale book.

An owl, perching on a branch of a tree, hoot to the two passersby. Seohyun shifted her gaze towards it. Once again, she was awed to see a white owl with some dark blue feathers mixing with its white ones. The owl in return nodded at her slowly. She quickly nods her head to it.

"We're here," Chan said softly.

Seohyun turned her attention to the front. It wasn't a long journey to where he brought her. She was stunned after seeing the preparations he had made.

At the end of a cliff, she could see the moon now. A picnic blanket is neatly spread out with some desserts on it. There was a slice of cake, two apples and several sandwiches. As for the beverage, a jug of cold sparkling water is accompanied by two glasses by its side.

"Sorry there wasn't much food left in the kitchen," Chan said as he anxiously rubbed the back of his nape.

"It's perfect" Seohyun replied while squeezing his hand a little.

Chan respond to her with a relief smile while she gave him a reassuring one. He lets go of her hand and starts moving backwards, heading closer to the picnic blanket.

"Welcome to your private ball!" Chan said and widely extended his hands. Seohyun smiled grew in excitement.

Then, they stood in silence as if Chan was waiting for something. Seohyun looked at him with a questioning look.

"Hangyeol ah~ it's your cue" Chan whispered while still locking eyes with Seohyun. She chuckled watching him flustered.

"Oh, was it?" Hangyeol flew out from his hiding place with a group of fairies holding a different instrument.

Hangyeol was wearing a tuxedo and had a baton in his hand. The other fairies looked younger than him and each of them wore the same outfit. A charming tuxedo for the gentlefairies and a beautiful black dress for the ladies.

"I can't rewind the time for you to enjoy the ball but I can make a small party here," Chan told her as he looks around the place he had set up a while ago with a satisfied smile.

Tearing up a bit, Seohyun chuckled to herself. She wiped a single tear away from her eye.

"Thank you, Prince Christopher Chan," she smiled at him. They smiled at each other bashfully.

"So, are we going to dance or stand here watching you guys go all red?" Hangyeol asked in annoyance.

"Ah, right. Shall we?" Chan asked as he extended his hand to her.

Seohyun gladly accepts the invitation. Hangyeol cues the musicians to start playing. As the music started, both of them slowly waltzed together.

Seohyun kept looking down to watch her steps, making sure it was right. Chan clears his throat a little, making the girl glance at him.

He mouthed at her, "Trust yourself," and smiled. Inhaling deeply, Seohyun follows Chan's lead and put her trust in her muscle memory. As they twirl and waltzed under the moon, both of them started to relax and enjoy each other's company rather than focusing on the dance.

Though Seohyun became too confident in herself, she accidentally stepped on her dress and fell forward, accidentally pushing Chan down along with her. The music stop abruptly.

The ground felt a bit softer than she imagined. Then, she heard a soft groan. Adrenaline rushed through her body as she quickly open her eyes to make sure what she was imagining didn't happen. Alas, there he was on the ground instead of her and she was on top of him.

"Oh my god! Chan, I'm so sorry," she exclaimed

Chan look at her and grinned playfully.

"I didn't know you'd fall for me," he immediately laughs.

Seohyun can't stop herself from laughing too. The silent night was filled with joyful laughter as the moon shone brighter. Seohyun slowly lifted herself after realizing she was still on top of him but then a pair of arms hold her back. His arms were wrapped around her waist.

"Don't...move," he said quietly as he looks away.

Flustered and confused, Seohyun looked at his red face.

"Let's...stay like this...," he continues to mumble.

"For a while," he looked at her in the eyes. She could feel butterflies in her stomach while his heartbeat beats faster.

As they stared into each other eyes, Chan lifted himself a bit and Seohyun closed the gap between them. Softly, her lips met his. Seohyun closed her eyes, her mind went blank. All she could think of is this moment. This brief moment when she realized her true feelings.

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