S3: 1: The invitation

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The morning was a bit cold after the heavy rain last night. The clouds were still covering the sky, hiding the warmth of the sun.

A figure was walking across the garden while looking up to the dark sky. Afraid it might pour down again anytime soon, she continued walking faster towards her destination; the glasshouse.

Seohyun opened the door slowly and peek inside the room. Nobody was there. She quickly enters the glasshouse and starts searching for the book that Hangyeol gave.

She saw the book was lying at the far end of the meeting table. She walks towards it and grabs the book. As she turns around a tall figure was standing behind her. She screams a little as she took a step back.

Seohyun stared at the figure's face. She knows who the person was.

"Who...are you? How did you get here?" The person asked

"Ahhh wait... I know! The hyungs told us about you guys..." The person examined her.

"You look like the girl Chan hyung describe," He said.

Seohyun smiled at him and extended her hand.

"Hello, Prince Han Jisung of Hanratheon. I'm Han Seohyun" Seohyun introduced herself

"Ahhh so you're the troublemaker Changbin hyung keep saying!" He said excitedly while her shaking hands.

'Troublemaker huh? Understandable' Seohyun thought in her head.

"So...Where's the other two? The kitty and the big mouth?" Han asked with a goofy smile

"The what?" Seohyun burst out laughing, instantly knows who he was referring to.

Han gave another goofy smile. Suddenly, someone interrupted their little fun with a loud 'ehem'. Han and Seohyun turned around to see a familiar figure standing there.

"Hello hyung~," Han said happily

"Hey, there Han~" Chan replied at him.

Seohyun chuckled a little.

"What brings you here? Your dad still wants you to be a king?" Chan asked, his voice showing some concern.

"Nah, Nah, that was already resolved months ago~ I just wanna give everyone this personally as a thank you," Han said while bringing out an envelope from a small sling bag he was wearing.

The dark chocolate envelope with Hanratheon sealed on it was passed to Chan. Chan opened the envelope. A hint of excitement filled his eyes.

"You guys gonna get the official one from our mailman to invite the rest of the family members. This one is personally from me" he winked

"Well, this is great news. Thanks, Hannie" Chan said while folding back the letter into the envelope.

"Well, see ya later, gotta give these to others. Byeee~" Han said as he walks towards one of the doors.

He opened the door and stopped. He turned around and said,

"Nice meeting ya, Seohyun. Hope we meet again~byeeee" he left.

Seohyun said goodbye and waved at Han before he disappeared into another kingdom.

"So, Seohyun, are you interested to go to a ball?" Chan asked as he showed the envelope to her.


"So, this is the loud one?"

"The what?" Areum asked

"Ahhhh yesss this is Areum, the one I talked about before," Hyunjin quickly shuts Han's mouth.

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