S2: 11: The fight

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As soon as they arrived safely at the land of Christark, Chan brought them to the glasshouse.

"Whose brilliant idea was it?" Chan asked sarcastically.

Seohyun with her head hung low, slowly raised her hand.

"Of course it was you" he sighed

"And where did you get this great idea from?" He continued.

Seohyun pulled out the book and gave it to him, not daring to look at his angry face. The others remained silent, knowing it's better not to interrupt.

'Behind the dark: Dark Forest hidden secrets'

He sighed once again as he massages his head. He opens to the page where Seohyun bookmarked earlier.

"Did Hangyeol gave you this?" He asked

Seohyun nodded slowly. He sighed once again.

"This book is full of shit!" his toned turned harsh as he waves the book in front of her.

"It is written by a mad man! The flower is a myth! I have been inside and out of the forest for all my life and I have never seen it nor does anyone!"

Chan inhaled a bit to cool down his anger.

"You put your and your friend's life in danger, almost get eaten alive just because of that silly myth"

"We- I mean I thought it could help the king to break his curse" Seohyun replied, her voice barely could be heard.

"It was stupid" she continued

"Now you just realized it?!" Chan said sarcastically

"Tell me, are you dying enough to join your parallel self 6 feet underground, huh?"

Seohyun eyes widen as the words struck her hard. She looked up at Chan with pain hinted in her eyes. Chan realized he had accidentally said something wrong.

"Wait...what does he mean by that, Seohyun?" Areum asked as the room got quieter.

Seohyun remained quiet, her head hung low.

"So, you haven't told them yet?" Chan asked in a disappointed tone.

"What does he mean by 6 feet underground...? Seohyun, no way, don't tell me..." It was Yeona turned to conveyed her thoughts.

All eyes are on her.

"He's dead" her head still hung low. She breathed in deeply, trying to calm whatever she was feeling inside.

"I was going to tell them later" She continued and glared a bit at Chan.

"Things were hectic lately and I just thought... maybe it wasn't a good time to tell...maybe I should just get out from here for a second and clear my mind" she continued, looking at him.

"That is the most selfish thing I ever heard. So, the flower is all just an excuse huh?" Chan replied

"...maybe it was. Maybe I am being stupid for thinking it will turn out to be good and here we are, I selfishly, almost endangered my friends to that veiny monster plant" she said and sighed.

"...I almost killed them..." she mumbled.

"...I almost killed them..." her eyes widen as she repeats the words to herself.

Her thoughts start to overlap. It's like thousands of voices suddenly screaming inside her head. She held her aching head.

"Don't interfere with my son's life"

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