S4: 1: The dead is alive

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Seohyun closed the door to the glasshouse. Her thoughts are now filled with new problems she needs to figure out. Her fingers grip tightly to the book, wishing what she read a dozen times didn't exist.

Truthfully, she wanted to stay here and she can tell her friends felt the same, however; she was terrified at the thought of both worlds submerged into destruction. All because they were selfish to not return to their own dimension.

She let out a long exhaled. There was one more thing she needs to think about. How will she go back? Han Seojun, her parallel self, wasn't privileged enough to live a long life. Now, she may be stuck here forever. Unless she can find another way out.

All of a sudden, Seohyun shivers as she felt someone was watching her. Snapping from her thoughts, she scanned the whole garden to see if there was anyone nearby. Then, her eyes caught a moving silhouette running to the back of the castle.

Seohyun's instinct yelled at her to pursue it. She bit her lips and grip the book harder. She can't just go and chase after that person. What if that person was dangerous? She had promised herself not to cause any more problems for Chan. Torn between the urge to chase the silhouette and her principle of keeping a promise; Seohyun turned around to face the door. Maybe it could help her not to think about it.

"You really think Han Seojun is dead?" A deep voice whispered in her ear.

Seohyun's eyes widen and her body shivers due to the sudden warmth behind her. Her small figure was engulfed by the shadow of the person behind her. Breathing heavily, she mustered up her courage and turned around slowly.

Her mind went blank as her grip on the book loosen, making it fall to the ground. Her eyes make contact with them. Her face turns as white as a ghost. A sense of familiarity creeps in.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel scared" the person apologized as they reached down for the book.

The person checks the book for damaged and pats the dust off it.

"Han Seojun?" She asked while staring at him.

Seojun looks up from the book to her and a smirk made way on his face. He chuckles to himself while handing her the book. The girl was too stunned to take it.

"You don't want your book or you were told not to take anything from a 'ghost'?" He chuckled again after seeing Seohyun still hasn't blinked.

He seems to enjoy seeing her reaction. Definitely, it was amusing to him. How can it not be? Seeing that confused and terrified face brings a little pleasure to him.

"And you are a guard...?" Seohyun asked as her eyes traced slowly at his figure.

He gave a soft smile to her. Seojun slowly bent his tall figure a bit to her height. He leaned in, closing the gap between them.

"How about we have a little private chit chat between us parallels" He whispered into her ear.


"Sorry for the mess, I had no time to clean," Seojun said in a panic as he quickly pick up the scattering shirts and a pile of dirty clothes to another room.

Seohyun entered the cabin slowly while looking around. He had led her to the back of the castle, where there was a small cabin hiding in the forest. Somehow, she had trusted this man and followed him blindly into the cabin.

"Of course, I understand...You're busy with your 'guard' work," she replied while slowly heading towards a small table with two chairs.

Seohyun pulled the chair and sat on it. Her eyes still linger around the room. The decoration was rather simple. The colour brown of the wood that made up the cabin made the room dark. An old sofa with a few small pillows resting in front of a window. The only source of light comes from outside. Either than that, there were no more windows.

The sound of the door closing abruptly startled Seohyun. She changed her attention toward the man who looks exactly the same as her. Seojun had changed into his comfortable clothes compared to his itchy uniform. A loose white t-shirt and a pair of black trousers.

"You look stiff. Loosen up a bit. I'm not a stranger to you after all," Seojun said with a smile as he heads to the small counter.

He pulled out a kettle and filled it up with water. Then, he puts it on a stove to heat it. As he waits for the water to boil, he brings out a tea set and put a bag of tea into the teapot.

"Please, make yourself at home," he said while glancing back at Seohyun who was watching him.

"Ah... I should have said that before you enter the cabin, right? Sorry, it's been a long time since I've invited someone to my place," he giggles to himself.

Seohyun watched him silently, not knowing what to say. She loses focus once again. Her eyes start to wander around the cabin. The table she was sitting at was not far from the small kitchen. On the left of the kitchen, there was a reddish-brown door, where Seojun had exited earlier. Probably his room. The cabin looks smaller compared to before. There were only two doors, one leads to his room and another one is still unknown.

Seojun turned around to look at her fully. He leaned by the counter and crossed his arms. He tilted his head as he was enjoying watching her getting curious and curious.

"So, what do you think about our world?" He breaks the silence.

Seohyun turned back to look at him. She was taken aback by how he was staring at her the whole time. A sense of danger now creeps in. As if she was looking at a predator, not her parallel self.

"It's...delightful really. Everything here is peculiar but interesting," she replied as her eyes trailed elsewhere.

Seojun clicked his tongue in annoyance all of a sudden, making the girl jump in her seat slightly. He rolled his eyes and glared at the girl not far from him.

"I told you to loosen up a bit. I'm not some kind of king or prince. Just be casual" his voice sounded irritated. The vibe of the room suddenly turns moody.

Seohyun's body shivers. Her hands trembled in her lap. She tried her breathing technique to calm herself down. Alas, she could still sense the predatory gaze. Even more dangerous than before.

The kettle interrupts the tense atmosphere with its loud shriek. Seojun pushed his body slightly from the counter and start moving towards it.

Seohyun thanked the kettle mentally for easing the tension. She continues her breathing technique hoping it will still help her calm down. Instead of calming down, courage soon seeps in as the main question that had been spiralling in her head keeps on appearing.

She doesn't know who is this man in front of her. Only to know they're the same person from different dimensions. She wouldn't know how he would react if she asked him that question. He had already snapped when she didn't do as he says. As if he was a ticking bomb ready to explode anytime. Though, as curiosity kills the cat, she was ready to face the consequences.

"Why did you fake your death?" Seohyun bravely asked.

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